Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Parables of Jesus - Lesson 12

The Parables of Jesus
Lesson 12 

·         Background
o   Today’s Parable can be found in the Gospel of Luke.   This parable was told before Jesus made his way to Jerusalem and this parable was taught after the Parables of the ‘Prodigal Son’ and the ‘Shrewd Manager’.   Jesus was directing this parable to the Pharisees.
o   The Lazarus in this parable should not be confused with the Lazarus that Jesus raised from the dead.
o   This is the only place in the bible where we hear of someone’s actual thoughts, emotions, and words while being in hell.   
o   As a reminder with all the judgment parables, we need to focus on the spiritual condition of a person, not the earthly condition.  There will be both rich and poor people who will be in heaven as well as rich and poor people in hell.
·         Parable of Judgment.
o   The Rich Man and Lazarus. (Luke 16: 19 - 31)
§  The Pharisees considered wealth to be a proof of a person’s righteousness and they also considered the poor were cursed by God.   Jesus startled the Pharisees with this story of a diseased beggar being rewarded and the rich man punished.   The rich man did not go to Hell (Hades) because of his wealth but because he was selfish and he neglected to feed Lazarus, take him in, or care for him.   The rich man was blessed with much but he did not share with the needy when he saw them.   The amount of money we have is not important as to how we use our money.
§  The rich man thought that his 5 brothers would surely believe a messenger who had been raised from the dead.  Jesus said that if the 5 brothers did not believe Moses or the prophets who spoke about caring for the poor that not even a resurrection of the dead would convince them.   Notice the irony of this statement as Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem to die.  Jesus was fully aware that even when he would be raised from the dead, most religious leaders of Israel would not accept him as the Messiah.
§  Purple was a costly dye during biblical times and it was often worn by kings, nobles, and even idol images.   It was found in a rare shellfish which would yield one drop per shellfish.  Fine linen was also made of flax and was a dazzling white color nnd worth twice its weight in gold.   The rich man was surrounded by loyal brethren and servants while Lazarus is a companion of the dogs.
§  Hades (Greek) or Sheol (Hebrew) was the name given to the adobe of the dead between death in the Old Testament and the Resurrection of Jesus in the New Testament.   The expression ‘Abraham’s Bossom’ is taken from the custom of reclining on couches at  a feast as we learned earlier.   As a guest leaned upon his left arm his neighbor might easily lean upon his bossom.   Such a position of respect to the Master of the House was one of special honor and indicated great intimacy
§  Physical Death is a certainty.
·         After physical death individuals continue to exist in a state of personal consciousness.  After Jesus’s return we will be reunited with a new body.   (Revelation 6: 9 -10)
·         After physical death an individual’s destiny is sealed (Verse 25 and 26 from the parable) (Revelation 20: 11 – 15)
·         Abraham’s Bossom was a place for the saved that was reserved until the time of their resurrection unto life.   This place was also referred to as Paradise (Luke 23: 39 -43).  Originally it was thought to be a partitioned section of Hades, but was moved to heaven after Christ’s resurrection.  The Apostle Paul speaks of being ‘caught up into Paradise’.   (II Corinthians 12: 1 - 4)
§  There will be no crossing between Hell and Heaven according to this parable.
§  Related readings
·         Deuteronomy 15:7-11, Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Leviticus 19:18, Ezekiel 16:49, Luke 6:21-25, John 5:45-47, Acts 15:21
·         Questions to Ponder/Life Lessons.
o   What is our attitude toward our money and possessions?  Do we hoard them selfishly or do we use them to help others?  We are stewards of everything that God has created and he has entrusted them to us.
o   What do you imagine heaven and hell will be like?  What do your friends and family think?  Do you believe hell is real?  2 excellent books to read are ‘Heaven is for Real’ and ’23 Minutes in Hell’
o   What things do we consider to have eternal value?  How can we focus on them instead of earthly riches?
o   What we often assume about Heaven   What the Bible says
§  Non-Earth                                           Earth
§  Unfamilar, Another World           Familiar, Earthly
§  Disembodied                                     Resurrected (Embodied)
§  Foreign                                                 Home
§  Leave things behind                       Retaining the Good, finding the best ahead
§  No time and space                          Time and space
§  Static                                                     Dynamic
§  Neither Old or New                        Both New and Old
§  Nothing to do                                    Serve and worship God
§  No learning or discovery               An eternity of learning and discovery
§  Boring                                                   Fascination
§  Loss of desire                                    Continuous fulfillment of desire
§  Absence of the terrible                 Presence of the wonderful

o   Notice how the rich man tried to reach out in prayer to late in his life, after his death, where he was destined to eternal life in hell.  If God has chosen us and reached out to us by offering his gift of grace through salvation, have we or our loved ones accepted that offer of grace?

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