Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Philippians 4 – Don’t Worry, Be Happy

Philippians 4 – Don’t Worry, Be Happy

·         History and Background
o   Written by Paul while he was in prison in Rome awaiting his trial.
o   Written to the Philippian Church which was established by Paul on his second missionary journey.
o   The church was the first Christian Congregation in Europe, which was located in Macedonia.
o   The Church at Philippi supported Paul through prayer, money, and goods.
o   Paul starts this chapter by admonishing 2 of the woman leaders of the Philippi Church to work out their differences.   Paul encourages them to be of the same mind
o   .  His uses this encouragement to further encourage others within the Philippi Church.
·         6 Promises we have from God  
o   (verse 5)               The presence of God to accompany us.
o   (verse 6)               The privilege of prayer to help us in our life.   (Matthew 6:25-34, Psalm 1:2)
o   (verses 7 and 8)  The peace of God to help us.                              (Daniel 6, Psalm 19)
o   (verse 11)             The policy of contentment to calm us.
o   (verse 13)             The power of Jesus Christ to strengthen us.
o   (verse 19)             The promise of God’s provision for us.
·         Main Themes
o   We should be full of joy as God has all things and God is in control.
§  Our rejoicing is a testimony that can be seen by others.
o   Take everything in Prayer to God
§  Prayer brings peace and removes our cares and worries.
§  The peace of God will produce a calm heart and mind.
o   Be thankful in everything.
§  Paul acknowledged that God would supply him with everything he needed for the work in his ministry.
§  Paul was thankful that God used the Philippian Church to provide for his needs.
o   Offering encouragement to others.
§  Paul encouraged the Church to stay involved in the ministry because their fruits would be added to their account in heaven.
§  God’s blessing would be upon them because their involvement in God’s work
o   To glean Paul’s secrets for joy peace, contentment, and strength.

·         Questions to Ponder/Life Lessons.
o   In what are we to always rejoice?
§  In the Lord always.
o   Why are we to let our gentleness be known to all?
§  The Lord is at hand.
o   What is the antidote for anxiety?
§  Letting our requests be made known to God with an attitude of thanksgiving.
o   What will the peace of God do in response to our thankful prayer?
§  Guard our hearts and mind through Christ Jesus.
o   Upon what things should we meditate?
§  Things that are noble (high moral principles and ideals), Just, pure, lovely, things of good report (give an account of), anything of virtue, and anything of praise.
o   What had Paul learned about his journey through life with Jesus as his Lord and Savior?
§  To be content in whatever state he found himself in.
o   How was Paul able to do all things?

§  Through Christ who strengthens him.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Parables of Jesus - Lesson 18

The Parables of Jesus
Lesson 18 

·         Smaller and Shorter Parables of Jesus
o   The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Publican).    (Luke 18: 9 - 14)
§  This parable concludes our studies of the Parables of Jesus.  This parable was taught sometime before Jesus made his trip to Jerusalem to be crucified.
§  To better understand this parable let us look at the 3 different elements involved.
·         The temple was the center of worship for the people of Jerusalem.  They would go there often to pray.
·         The word Pharisee translates to mean “the separate ones”.  A Pharisee was a member of a Jewish sect that emphasized strict observance of the Mosaic Laws in both its oral and written form.  The Pharisee would separate themselves from others to obey all the rules they created in addition to the Law of Moses.   They were meticulous and zealous about obeying the do’s and don’ts.  Because of this they did not mingle with believers, but instead looked down upon them.   Jesus often criticized the Pharisees because of their knowledge of the Old Testament.   They failed to see the fulfillment of the Messiah through the words of the Prophets.
·         A Tax Collector was a hired official by the Roman Government.   A Tax Collector would provide a bid to the Roman Government for the Province that he lived in.   The bid was for the amount of Taxes he would collect for the Government.   The person with the highest bid would be hired to collect the bid Tax in that Province.   The Tax Collector then had 1 year to collect the Tax Money.   Any money that was above and beyond the Tax Bid was kept by the Tax Collector.   They were typically very rich and shrewd people.  They were considered traitors, extorters, and exploiters by their fellow Jews.  Matthew and Zaccheus  are Tax Collectors that we are familiar with from the New Testament.
§   In this parable we notice that both men, the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, went into the same temple on the same day.  They were also praying to the same God.
§  The difference between these 2 men can be easily seen.  The difference between these 2 men was not their outward actions or words, but in their hearts.  The Tax Collector realized that he as a sinner and that he needed God’s mercy, forgiveness, and grace.   The Pharisee went to the temple to announce to anyone who could hear his prayer that he was a good and righteous person, while the Tax Collector went to recognize his sins.

§  Related Readings
·         Psalms 24:3-4, Leviticus 6:2-5 (Pharisees view of Tax Collectors), Luke 19:8 (Zaccheaus), Romans 7:18, Revelation 3:17, Jeremiah 17:9, Luke 14:11, Jeremiah 31:19
·         Questions to Ponder/Life Lessons.
o   Self-righteousness can lead to pride, which can hinder our learning anything from God.
o   Are we humble in our response to God who has given us everything in Jesus Christ?
o   What is the intent of our Prayers?    The prayer of the Tax Collector should be our prayer as we need God’s grace and mercy every day.
o   Do we depend upon our performance before God to receive God’s acceptance?
o   Do not let pride in our achievements distract us from our relationship with God, being mindful God blesses us with our talents and possessions.  God is the true owner of all things as we are here as Stewards of God’s creation.
o   Jesus knows that man cannot save himself.  He did not come to condone sin, but to save them and turn them from their wicked ways and past.

o   Definition of Pride from today’s Parable: Coming to trust in our own abilities rather than trusting in God.  Coming to regard other people with contempt and disrespect rather than seeing them as created equally in the image of God.

Parables of Jesus - Lesson 16

The Parables of Jesus
Lesson 16

·         Smaller and Shorter Parables of Jesus
o   The Lowest Seat at the Banquet.    (Luke 14: 7 - 14)
§  A prominent Pharisee had invited Jesus to his home.  The intent of the Pharisee was to catch Jesus into breaking one of the Pharisee’s Laws on the Sabbath or trapping him in discussion.  We find it is the Sabbath and Jesus has just healed a man with dropsy.  If you remember from previous lessons, Luke was a doctor.
§  At a banquet meal during Jewish times the places of honor would have been closest to the host.  Couches for a meal were usually set in a ‘U’ shape with 2 to 4 guests reclining on each couch.   The host sat at the base of the ‘U’ with the honored guests to his left and right.  After the guests were seated they would wash there hands.
§  Jesus taught 2 lessons with this parable.  First he spoke to the guests instructing them not to seek the places of honor to be seated at a banquet.  Second he talked to the hosts telling them not to exclude guests who are needy as the Kingdom of God is open to everyone who is invited.
§  Jesus’s point is not that we should connive to receive greater honor, instead Jesus is telling us that honor cannot be seized.  Honor is awarded.   Jesus was not against giving honor to someone who deserves it, but he was against using power and prestige for recognition.  God honors the humble, as the humble person recognizes how strong his need for God is, and not his need for a blessing from God.
§   Jesus’s instructions to the host were to open their dinner table to the needy that are unable to repay the host for his kindness.   Typically a person who hosted a festive meal would be placed on the invitation lists for future meals at the guest’s home.   Hospitality should be open to all.   ‘Payback’ should not be the motive for our hospitality.
§  To be moved from an honor chair to a lower seat would bring shame and dishonor to this person.   Jesus was using this point to illustrate the inward appearance of a person, not his outer appearance or status.   Humbleness and modesty are more important to God than arrogance.
§  Related Readings
·         Luke 11:37-53, Philippians 2:1-11, James 2:1-5, James 4:6, James 5:1-6, Mark 7:1-4, Ezekiel 17:24, Luke 6:20-26, Luke 18:9-14
o   The Great banquet   (Luke 14: 16 - 24)
§  This parable was told right after our last parable, ‘The Lowest Seat at the Banquet’.
§  During biblical times, as we had mentioned in an earlier parable, it was customary to send out 2 invitations to a party.   The first invitation was to announce the event.   The second invitation was then sent to tell the guests that everything was ready.   To accept the first invitation and then reject the second invitation was considered an insult to the host.
§  The guests in the parable insulted the owner by making excuses as to why they could not attend the banquet at the second invitation.  Jesus uses the excuses to show the foolishness of them.
·         Only a fool buys a piece of land and then goes to inspect it.
·         Only a fool buys 10 oxen and then tests them after his purchase.
·         A man who put his family before everything as he had just married a wife.
·         By saying ‘I cannot come’ suggests that someone had made up his mind and was no longer open to any argument.
§  In Israel’s history, God’s first invitation to the Jewish people came from Moses and the Prophets.  The second invitation to the Jews came from Jesus, God’s only begotten son.   The religious leaders had accepted the first invitation, as they believed God had chosen them as his people.  These same religious leaders rejected the invitation, of God’s son, Jesus Christ.  Just as the Master sent his servant out into the streets to invite the needy to the banquet, God sent his son, Jesus, into this world to the needy to tell them that God’s Kingdom had come and it was ready and open to them.
§  Jesus also stresses against seeking status in this parable as well.  Jesus extends his favor to hard work and suffering instead.  God never asks us to suffer for the sake of suffering.   God is calling us to use humility and self-sacrifice so that we too can join in the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.
§  Related Readings
·         Isaiah 25:6 (Feast for All), Revelation 19:9, Acts 13:46-47.
·         Questions to Ponder/Life Lessons.
o   In today’s culture, people are eager to raise their social status.  This can be done through being with the right people, how we dress, or driving the right car.
o   Do we look for a place to serve instead of a place of prestige?
o   How can we humble ourselves?   Truly humble people compare themselves to Jesus and realize their sinfulness and they understand their limitations.
o   What do we perceive as heavenly rewards in comparison to earthly rewards?
o   If Christianity is so true and so good, why don’t more embrace it?   Why don’t more accept the invitation?

o   ‘Excuses are fashioned for convenience and clung to in desperation’.