Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Philippians 4 – Don’t Worry, Be Happy

Philippians 4 – Don’t Worry, Be Happy

·         History and Background
o   Written by Paul while he was in prison in Rome awaiting his trial.
o   Written to the Philippian Church which was established by Paul on his second missionary journey.
o   The church was the first Christian Congregation in Europe, which was located in Macedonia.
o   The Church at Philippi supported Paul through prayer, money, and goods.
o   Paul starts this chapter by admonishing 2 of the woman leaders of the Philippi Church to work out their differences.   Paul encourages them to be of the same mind
o   .  His uses this encouragement to further encourage others within the Philippi Church.
·         6 Promises we have from God  
o   (verse 5)               The presence of God to accompany us.
o   (verse 6)               The privilege of prayer to help us in our life.   (Matthew 6:25-34, Psalm 1:2)
o   (verses 7 and 8)  The peace of God to help us.                              (Daniel 6, Psalm 19)
o   (verse 11)             The policy of contentment to calm us.
o   (verse 13)             The power of Jesus Christ to strengthen us.
o   (verse 19)             The promise of God’s provision for us.
·         Main Themes
o   We should be full of joy as God has all things and God is in control.
§  Our rejoicing is a testimony that can be seen by others.
o   Take everything in Prayer to God
§  Prayer brings peace and removes our cares and worries.
§  The peace of God will produce a calm heart and mind.
o   Be thankful in everything.
§  Paul acknowledged that God would supply him with everything he needed for the work in his ministry.
§  Paul was thankful that God used the Philippian Church to provide for his needs.
o   Offering encouragement to others.
§  Paul encouraged the Church to stay involved in the ministry because their fruits would be added to their account in heaven.
§  God’s blessing would be upon them because their involvement in God’s work
o   To glean Paul’s secrets for joy peace, contentment, and strength.

·         Questions to Ponder/Life Lessons.
o   In what are we to always rejoice?
§  In the Lord always.
o   Why are we to let our gentleness be known to all?
§  The Lord is at hand.
o   What is the antidote for anxiety?
§  Letting our requests be made known to God with an attitude of thanksgiving.
o   What will the peace of God do in response to our thankful prayer?
§  Guard our hearts and mind through Christ Jesus.
o   Upon what things should we meditate?
§  Things that are noble (high moral principles and ideals), Just, pure, lovely, things of good report (give an account of), anything of virtue, and anything of praise.
o   What had Paul learned about his journey through life with Jesus as his Lord and Savior?
§  To be content in whatever state he found himself in.
o   How was Paul able to do all things?

§  Through Christ who strengthens him.

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