- Main
- We
are all given different gifts for the work of ministry in the church, the
Body of Christ.
- We
all have a unique gift through Christ
- The
different gifts we have makes diversity into unity as we all work
together in Christ through Christ.
- We all are born into the fullness of Christ when we
become Christians.
- We need to become involved to discover our gift(s).
- By using our gift(s) we are meeting needs of others
that are not being met.
- We are learning to carry others even though we may
need to be carried sometimes as well.
- It takes all kinds of nuts to make a Fruit Cake.
- The
Spiritual Gifts came with the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost..
- Overview.
- Spiritual
- They
are an act of God that brings us together so that we do not have to walk
- When we are walking in the Spirit, we are not
walking alone.
- They
are not a natural talent that we may have. (mechanical, artistic, athletic)
- It is the spiritual capability to do the work of
God. It can be an interface between the talent and the gift.
- Voice and Encouragement.
- Visionary and Faith.
- Speaking and Evangelism.
- Moses stuttered but was still a great leader.
- God
gives us a spiritual gift, and God gives his gifted people to the
- Unity brings about diversity amongst Christians.
- Building
up the Body of Christ requires:
- Unity
- to function smoothly. The brain controls 10 million units
within our body to make everything work in unity. Jesus is
the head of the Church Body.
- Maturity
- become perfect, growing up. Until we become like Christ, we have
much growing up to do.
- Stability
- to grow in maturity so that we do not become gullible or susceptible.
The average age of a person attending church is 55 years old
while the average age of a human is 25 years old.
- Verse
4:7 (The One and Only Replaceable You).
- Spiritual
Gifts are a gift from God, who is the creator of the universe.
They are custom made as God has measured it and tailor made it for
us as well. The wisdom of God has gifted us with what we are
to be gifted in. We need to discover that gift.
- Paul
has emphasized Spiritual Gifts 3 times in his letters.
- Ephesians 4, Romans 12, and I Corinthians 12 - 14.
- Some
people may possess the same spiritual gift but be effective in using it
in different ways than others. (I Corinthians 12:7-11).
- They can differ in style, ability, emphasis, and
area of expertise. Some can excel in teaching adults and others in
adolescents, and yet other children. Some, like Billy Graham was
an effective Evangelist in a large group setting, while there are
others who are more effective in a One on One situation.
- Notice
in Verse 7 it says ‘Each one of us’, instead of some of us.
- Jesus
has taken into account our personality, intellect, temperament,
education, life experiences, and the people who surround us.
- Every Christian is irreplaceable. God
could choose others to fulfill our tasks. If we do not use
or gift, what does God think? Do we do harm to the Body of
Christ? God’s work can be hindered if we do not use our
gifts. A healthy body needs all its members to be working
- Verse
4:8-10 (The Spoils of the Victory)
- Quoted
from Psalm 68:18: David’s victory over the Jebusites.
- David had just conquered the Jebusites in a valiant
battle and he has just returned home with the spoils of the victory.
David led the procession with a host of captives (officers
and soldiers of David who were taken captive by the enemy in previous
battles by the enemy). He also paraded the valuables and
plunder taken from the enemy. David then distributed the plunder
to his victorious soldiers as a reward for their faithful service.
- Since Adam and Eve, Satan has held us captives and
enemies to sin. We had been in slavery and bondage to Satan.
- Jesus is our King and Victor, who has conquered the
Kingdom of Satan and the dominion of his strongholds over us.
Jesus came to earth, he lived with us, he died here, and then he
was raised from the dead.
- Descended: (I Peter 3:18)
- Jesus came to earth and was born here.
- Physically died on the cross and he became alive
in the Spirit, where he went to Hades to the Demons where he made a
proclamation that the demons no longer had reign and hold on mankind
and that the Sacrifice had been completed. Jesus then let the
Old Testament Saints free from Sheol.
- Verse
4:11-13 (Purposeful Gifts)
- Jesus
came from the heights of heaven to earth so that we could receive a Spiritual
Gift. God is then able to use our gifts to bless other
people and to carry out his eternal plan.
- The principle of tithing. God uses
the 10% and puts it to good use, the other 90% he uses to bless us and
to meet our needs. God can also use the 90% to bless us in
his own ways.
- God will bless us if we use our gifts.
He will multiply our efforts and abilities. God can
bless us abundantly beyond what we can imagine.
- Paul
uses Ephesians to explain the leadership gifts which are the foundation
of the Church. We can possess some of these gifts in
different varying degrees. Even though God’s word commands
us to evangelize, some people are better than others in these areas.
- The ability to Prophesy means to apply God’s word to
specific situations. We can say from the Bible, ‘Thus says the
- God has given us these foundational spiritual gifts
to equip us (‘help make us whole’) for the taking of the Gospel of
Wholeness to a broken and fallen world.
- God
gave us gifts for the work of service to God, the church, and to others.
They are not given to us so that we can build our ego.
They are intended to be used in a humble way and committed
to Christian service.
- God
gave us gifts to edify (Build up) others, to encourage others, and to
lift up one another. In order to edify others, we need to be
involved with others and with the church.
- Verse
4:14-16 (Running After every Religious Circus)
- God
gave us spiritual gifts so that we would not remain spiritually
immature. By exercising our spiritual gifts we become more
mature and acquire discernment.
- Paul
warns us not to chase the latest fads to grow in our maturity and
fulfillment, but to turn to the Word of God instead.
- We
should ask God ‘How can we us our gifts to serve and edify other
- By not using our gifts we hamper the effectiveness
of the body of Christ, we slow its progress.
- By using our gifts we help the body of Christ grow
and complete the body of Christ by building up God’s people in
Christian Love..
- Conclusion.
- Does
our walk reflect a Christ like life? Are we worthy in our
walk and are we accountable? Do we help each other?
What is our role in our local church? Do we walk by
faith instead of sight?
- It
is not wise to isolate ourselves and not use our gifts. We need to
walk together with the body of Christ (Church).
- Makes
us accountable to others.
- If
you love God you will love people.
- We
all have a mix of gifts that God wants us to use. If we do not use
them, we could be robbing others of what they need if we are not
- Not
using your gifts can be compared to:
- A
soldier with no Army to serve.
- A
football player with no team to play for.
- A
tuba player without a band to play in.
- The
receiving of Spiritual Gifts can be compared to receiving a Christmas
Gift and what we do with it.
- Open
the Gift and place it on a shelf, to never use it.
- Throw
the Gift in the trash.
- Exchange
the Gift for something else we may find useful.
- Refuse
the Gift entirely.
- fts
that God wants us to use. If we do not use them, we could be
robbing others of what they need if we are not involved.
- Not
using your gifts can be compared to:
- A
soldier with no Army to serve.
- A
football player with no team to play for.
- A
tuba player without a band to play in.
- The
receiving of Spiritual Gifts can be compared to receiving a Christmas
Gift and what we do with it.
- Open
the Gift and place it on a shelf, to never use it.
- Throw
the Gift in the trash.
- Exchange
the Gift for something else we may find useful.
- Refuse
the Gift entirely.