Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Marh 12th , 2014

·         Background
o   Comes from the Greek word ‘Parakaleo’ which translates to our word ‘implore’.
§  Appears 105 times in the New Testament.
§  One of the Spiritual Gifts.
o   Can be confused with complimenting or praising others.
§  Praise is part of Encouragement but it does not cover the full meaning of the word.
§  A compliment is saying nice things to others to make them feel good about themselves.
§  Encouragement involves giving someone support or confidence.  It also helps to develop something in another person.
o   Biblical use of the word Encouragement.
§  A person is calling someone to their side in order to teach, comfort, strengthen, or push them to act in a certain way.
§  Very similar to the way exhort, warn, or admonish another.
§  Paul’s letters often offered encouragement to his listeners.
·         People who encourage others do so in a love for what a person needs to hear, even if it is something the person does not want to hear.
·         Paul’s Letter’s to the Ephesian Church in Ephesus.
o   Ephesus was a major cult center that worshiped the Goddess Artemus (Diana).  This was the main attraction of the city during Paul’s time.
o   It was considered a dark place for the followers of Jesus.
o   Paul prayed and encouraged them to remain strong in the faith and that they would not struggle alone in their new faith.   Paul was concerned that disunity might creep into the fellowship of believers.   (Ephesians 4: 1 – 3)
§  Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.
o   Encouragement to others.
§  Telling people what they need to hear in order to bring about a change in action, feeling or belief.
§  Should be done with love, grace, and wisdom.
§  Sometimes it is best done in private.
§  Encouragement can make a difference.   (I Thessalonians 5:11)
·         So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.

·         Bible verses for our Encouragement.
o   Proverbs 3:5-6
o   Proverbs 18:10
o   Isaiah 41:10
o   John 14:27
o   John 16:33
o   Psalm 46:1-3
o   2 Timothy 1:7
o   Psalm 16:8
o   Psalm 55:22
o   I Peter 5:7
o   Isaiah 26:3
o   Psalm 118:14-16
o   Psalm 119:114-114
o   Psalm 119:25
o   Psalm 119:50
o   Psalm 119:71

o   Psalm 120:1

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