Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Ephesians 5:18-20 Spiritual Intoxication

Ephesians 5:18-20     Spiritual Intoxication

  • Main Theme.
    • How to tell if someone is walking a Christian walk and living a spiritual life.
      • They display a walk worthy of the calling of Jesus Christ.
      • They display love in their daily living.
      • The walk as Children of the Light and not of darkness.
      • Their Christian life is a walk of a wise person, not as a fool.   (Proverbs 13:20)
      • Stepping stones for walking in fellowship.
        • Submitting to one another in the fear of God.
        • Not losing interest in one another.  Your interest is kept up when you share the same interests.   As fellow Christians we all share the same interest.
        • We all need fellowship with one another.  We should not be isolated but gather together often.
    • Paul instructs us to be walking in the light and knowledge of God.   (I John 5:1-12, I John 1:5-10).
    • Light is brilliant, it reveals, and light intimidates.   (Proverbs 4:18-19)
      • The Creation Story (Genesis 1:3-5).
      • God’s covenant to Abraham (Genesis 15:10-18).
      • God guiding the Moses and the Israelites through the desert (Exodus 13:21).
      • God will be our light in the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:22-25).
      • God is an unapproachable light (I Timothy 6:11-16).
      • Our lives should be growing and shining brighter by exposing sin.
    • 3 things it takes to be walking in the Light.
      • Our goal in life should be to please God in his glory.   Life is about God and it should be centered around God as well.  We need to be reading God’s word to learn what God likes and dislikes.   By reading the bible we will learn about what the nature of God is and what is contrary to his nature.
      • To live our lives in purity, moral character, and in integrity.  We need to refuse to be living a hidden life and come out of the shadows of darkness.
      • We should live our lives as if God hears and sees everything we do.
    • Paul warns about not having fellowship with those who live a life of darkness.
      • Being cautious of churches who profess to be “seeker friendly”.   Typically these type of churches try not to offend the “seeker” with the true Bible message by appealing to their ears and not the Truth.
      • We should feel comfortable among God’s people if we are walking in the light.
      • Since Jesus was the light of the world, he revealed the truth about the religious leaders at that time to his Apostles.  The Pharisees and Scribes were considered the religious elite at that time.   There was a great reverence for the Scribes and Pharisees among the Jews.   (Matthew 23:13-33).
    • Paul warns us to live as the wise instead of as the fool.   (Psalm 14:1, Psalm 53:1)
      • Place our steps in life carefully because of the darkness that does exist.
      • You can have a high IQ and be considered a fool as well as having a low IQ and be wise.   Wisdom comes from how you apply God’s word in your life.   Understanding the will of God also comes from knowing God’s word and applying it.
    • Paul compares drunk in wine to being full of the Spirit.
      • Both involve being controlled by the substance.
      • How do you tell if a person is controlled by the Spirit?
        • Compare this to finding out how a glass is full of water.  You can bump into it and see what comes out.
      • To be drunk with the Holy Spirit means our life would be characterized by psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, and prayers of thanksgiving.
  • Overview.
    • Verse 5:18-20
      • The Depressant versus the Stimulant.
        • The lie of alcoholism is that a person cannot live without a drink.  The truth is God can give you victory over alcoholism.
        • Alcohol can depress you but the Holy Spirit can make you feel elated.
        • Alcohol can destroy your life where the Holy Spirit can strengthen your heart.
        • Alcohol can cost you a fortune but the Holy Spirit can bring you blessings.
        • Alcohol can multiply your pain where the Holy Spirit can heal your pain.
        • Alcohol can deceive you into a false happiness where the Holy Spirit can bring you true joy.
        • In the early times drunkenness was closely associated with idol worship.   The pagan world seeked fulfillment through drunkenness and sexual immorality.
        • Alcohol is a depressant where the Holy Spirit is a stimulant to good judgment.   Drunkenness numbs judgments made by the brain where the Holy Spirit gives discernment, good judgment, and a balanced thinking.
      • How to be filled by the Holy Spirit.
        • The fullness of the Holy Spirit is not:
          • Getting zapped and becoming a 1st Class Christian..
          • To be filled by the Holy Spirit does not mean the same as being indwelled by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9).
          • To be filled by the Holy Spirit is not the same as being baptized by the Holy Spirit.   We become baptized when we became a Christian.   The Holy Spirit continues to dwell inside of you whether you quench the Holy Spirit or grieve the Holy Spirit.
          • Being filled by the Holy Spirit is not the same as being sealed.   We are sealed by the Holy Spirit again at the moment of our conversion.
          • The filling of the Holy Spirit is not getting the Holy Spirit in installments.   We receive the complete Holy Spirit at our time of conversion.
        • Paul gives the command to ‘be filled by the Holy Spirit’.   It is not a recommendation.
        • To fulfill God’s will for our life we need to be filled by the Holy Spirit to obey the word of God.   We will also continually serve God after being filled.   To fight temptation we also need to be filled as well.
        • To be able to submit to one another   (Philippians 2:1-5).
        • To be filled means to be totally under control of the Holy Spirit.   Our human nature causes us to fail and sin no matter how sincere we are of our intentions to please God.   We can renew our commitment to be filled with the Holy Spirit.   We need to continuously surrender our life to the Holy Spirit.   When we fall prey to sin or when we are tempted, we can turn in prayer to God and submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit’s control.
          • Our strength in a relationship with the Holy Spirit can be likened to the strength of a relationship in a marriage.   It is not what happened in the past or what will happen in the future that matters, it is what happens in the present.
          • A person is moved, permeated, and immersed along by what fills him.
        • Filled - to be totally dominated and controlled by the Spirit.
          • Being conscious of Jesus’s presence at every moment.
          • We include Jesus in every action we take and every decision we make.
      • The Evidence of the Filling.
        • Being filled with praise and thanksgiving.
        • Paul mentions we should sing songs and offer Psalms together.   This includes not focusing on the technical aspects of the music as God wants to hear our sincere praise and God is not concerned about the style.
        • We should pray when God puts things on our hearts and not pray after we see the outcome.   We need to be thankful in advance.   (John 11:38-44)
  • Conclusion.
    • The goal of this Bible Study is to conform to the image of Jesus Christ and to live in accordance to the truth of the Bible.   Seize the opportunities in life and get the most profit out of them in spiritually.
      • We can have biblical knowledge but we need to apply it and practice it as well.
      • Knowing the wealth we possess in Christ should prompt us to walk in the light.   (John 13:17)
      • God knows our every thought and deed.   (Psalm 139:1-6)
    • Fruits of the Light/Fruits of the Spirit.
      • Check for goodness, integrity, righteousness, and truth.
      • Testing actions versus words of a person.
      • A change has taken place in the person’s life.
      • To test ourselves by asking, ‘Is this something Jesus would do?’.
      • Asking ourselves how we should live our life tomorrow as there are consequences to our walk and actions.   Because the days are short and the times are evil, we should be using our time wisely.   Every day should be precious.  A person who is 35 years old has approximately 500 days left to live if you subtract the amount of time spent sleeping, working, appointments, eating, and traveling.
    • What are our prayers like?   Are there more petitions than gratitude?   Do we only pray when we are desperate?

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