Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Daniel 7: The First Vision of Daniel

Daniel 7: The Visions of Daniel

  • Setting
    • The first 6 chapters of Daniel give us a history of Daniel’s exile in Babylon.  The remaining chapters talk about Daniel’s visions and prophecies.
    • Daniel Chapter 7 takes place before Chapters 5 and 6.  Chapter 8 of Daniel will give a further explanation to Chapter 7.
    • This dream/vision happened during the first year of reign of King Belshazzar of Babylon.   Daniel was in his 60’s or 70’s when he wrote this chapter.   As we saw last week, Daniel was 85 when he was thrown in the Lion’s Den.   This vision also occurred approximately 62 years after Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of a large statue.   We also know that Daniel was in obscurity until Belshazzar calls Daniel to interpret the ‘Handwriting on the Wall’.
      • Daniel reacted to his vision by being troubled and his face turned pale.   It is not recorded that he told anyone his vision.   We will also learn in later chapters that Daniel often became ill and he was unable to work.
    • Daniel’s Vision will introduce us to 4 beasts, one of which is the AntiChrist.   We will also hear about the final Judgment upon the planet Earth.
      • The final Gentile power will be a 10 nation power that arises in Europe.  An additional King will appear which will be the AntiChrist.   This 10 nation power will eliminate 3 of those nations.
      • This vision also parallels King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Chapter 2 of Daniel.
    • Prophecy is used to authenticate the word of God and the ministry of Jesus Christ.   Holy men would speak as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
      • Prophecy is object proof that God is God.   (Isaiah 45:5-7, Isaiah 46:9-10, Isaiah 41:21-28, Psalm 14:1)
  • Overview
Daniel 2:
Daniel 7: Daniel’s Vision
Daniel 8
Approximate Dates
Head of Gold
Babylon (Daniel 2:37-38)
608-539 BC
Chest and Arms of Silver
Medo-Persia Daniel 8:20
539-330 BC
Belly & Thighs of Bronze
Greece Daniel 8:21-22
330 - 168 BC
Legs of Iron (Feet of Clay & Iron, Mixed)
Terrifying and Frightening Beast
168 BC - 476 AD
    • Beast #1
      • The Babylonian Empire - Like a Lion with the wings of an Eagle.  The wings would be torn off.   The beast then stood up and was given a heart of a man.   (Nebuchadnezzar after he spent 7 years living as a beast of the field among the animals).
    • Beast #2
      • The Medo-Persian Empire - Like a Bear which was raised up on 1 side (The Persians dominate at this time with the Medes assistance).   He had 3 ribs in his mouth (The 3 kingdoms of Babylon, Egypt, and Lydia formed an alliance in order to oppose the Medo-Persians).
    • Beast #3
      • The Greek Empire - Like a Leopard which is swift (Alexander the Great conquered the world in less than 10 years while being in his 20’s.   This beast also had 4 wings on its back and 4 heads   (When Alexander died, his 4 Generals took over and the Kingdom was divided into 4 parts (Daniel 8:21-22).
        • Alexander the Great developed the technique for the Blitzkrieg.   He used 35,000 men compared to the 200,000 - 300,000 Medo-Persians to overtake them.
    • Beast #4
      • The Roman Empire - This beast was very terrifying and it was powerful.     The beast had large iron teeth and it crushed and devoured its victims.  This had 10 Horns (Horns are a symbol of strength used in the Bible) and they uprooted 3 of the horns.  A little horn then appears (Daniel 8:9-14 - This signifies the appearance of Antiochus Epiphanies and later foreshadows the AntiChrist who will appear at the End Times.
        • Rome has crucified Jesus and Peter, beheaded Paul, banished John to Patmos, burned Christians, and butchered men, women, and children.
        • Rome fell apart in 476 AD but it never completely disappeared.
        • The Empire of 10 nations of Europe has to be in place before Jesus’s return.   Currently there are 12 nations that make up the European Community.
      • This beast also provided a picture of a future revised Roman Empire.
  • Breakdown of the Verses.
    • In Daniel’s vision we will be introduced to 6 different Kingdoms.  4 of them will be of this world, 1 will be the Kingdom of Satan (the AntiChrist), and the final Kingdom will be that of the Messiah (Jesus Christ).
    • The Kingdom’s of this World   (Verses 7:1-7, 15-23).
      • God communicated this dream to Daniel while he was sleeping.   During this vision Daniel was able to approach an angel and ask for its interpretation.
      • The restless sea is used throughout the Bible as an image for this world.
      • Stormy Oceans are used to represent nations at confusion and at war.
      • Waves are unpredictable.  The world’s history is beyond man’s capability to predict.
      • Human eyes see the world as great and impressive.   God’s eyes see the world as ferocious beasts that attack and seek to devour one another.
      • The First Kingdom - The Babylonian Empire.
        • The Lion with the wings of an Eagle.   (Head of Gold).
        • Jeremiah 4:7, Jeremiah 4:13, Jeremiah 48:40, Jeremiah 49:19-22, Jeremiah 50:17, Ezekiel 17:2-3, Habakkuk 1:6-8).
      • The Second Kingdom - The Medo-Persian Empire.
        • The Bear with 3 ribs in its mouth.   (Arms and Chest of Silver).
      • The Third Kingdom - The Greek Empire.
        • The Leopard with 4 wings.   (Belly and Thighs of Bronze).
        • The Kingdom was divided as follows:
          • Ptolemy - Palestine and Egypt.
          • Seleucus - Syria.
          • Lysimachus - Thrace (South Eastern Balkans) and Asia Minor (Turkey).
          • Antipater/Cassander - Macedonia and Greece.
      • The Fourth Kingdom - The Roman Empire.
        • The Dreadful and Terrible Beast.
        • The Legs of Iron and Feet of mixed Clay and Iron.   The 10 toes also refer to the 10 horns of this beast.   The Horns symbolize a ruler or a royal authority.
        • The 10 Horns    (verses 7:7-8, 24, Revelation 13:1, Revelation 17:3,7, 12, 16).
          • In Daniel’s days, countries were ruled by Kings, but Daniel’s reference to Kingdoms will be nations as we know them today.   The 10 horns refer to an extension of the Roman Empire, which leads way to the AntiChrist (the Little Horn).
        • The Little Horn   (verses 7:8, 11, 24-26)
          • This represents the last world ruler, also known as the AntiChrist, who arises from the European nations.
            • Anti is a Greek word which means against or instead of
            • He will be both a counterfeit Christ and an enemy who is against Christ as well. (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, Revelation 13:1-10)
          • The AntiChrist will be leading one of the 10 nations of Europe and he must overcome the power of 3 other rulers to be able to do what he wants.   The reference to his eyes suggests he has remarkable knowledge and skill in planning his exploits.   He will be a man using words and be able to promote himself so others will follow him.   He will also blaspheme God and convince unbelievers that he is a ‘god’.   He will become ruler of the world as he will control the economy and religion of all.   He will also seek to change the times and laws.
          • His dictatorship shall last 3-½ years, or 42 months (1260 days).  Daniel speaks of this as a ‘time, times, and half a time’.
          • This period is half of the 7 years which are spoken of in Revelation.   The AntiChrist will make a covenant with the Jewish nations for 7 years but he will break that covenant in the midst of this period.  He will then begin to persecute the Jews.   (Revelation 11:2-3, Revelation 12:6-14).
            • The signing of the Treaty will begin the 7 year period known as the ‘Tribulation’.
          • Satan will help this person overtake 3 of the nations of Europe and then have this person proclaimed as a dictator.   He will appear friendly to the Jews at first by making a treaty with them, but to only break it midway through the treaty.   Once the treaty is broken, the AntiChrist will set up the ‘Abomination of Desolation’.   He will set up his own image in the Jewish temple of Jerusalem, forcing the world to worship him and the Devil.   (Matthew 24:15, Mark 13:4-7, 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-4)
            • The Tribulation period will also trigger the wrath of God and the eventual final return of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
    • The Kingdom of Satan   (Verses 7:8, 11-12, 21-26).
      • Daniel’s vision indicates that the 4 Kingdom’s of this world will come and go, but they will continue to exist in the same way after their fall.   This Kingdom will be a frightful Kingdom unlike any of the previous ones.  This Kingdom will declare war on God and it will be the Kingdom of the AntiChrist   (Revelation 13-19).   This kingdom shall also be destroyed and it will be when Jesus Christ returns.
      • This was seen in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream as the ‘stone cut out without hands that tumbled down the mountain and destroyed the image.   (Daniel 2:34-35, 44-45).
    • The War on Saints   (verses 7:21-23, 25)
      • The Saints refer to the people of God living on the Earth during the Tribulation period (Revelation 7).   There will be some who will accept Jesus as savior during this Tribulation period.   It will include Jews and Gentiles.  Both Daniel and Revelation mention that some shall die for their faith.
      • The Saints shall be victorious.   (Daniel 7:18, 27)
      • God permits Satan to temporarily win victory, but Satan will be defeated in the final battle.
      • The AntiChrist will continually oppress the Saints.
    • The Kingdom of Christ   (verses 7:9-14, 27-28)
      • This will be the final Kingdom established on Earth to the Glory of God.   (Matthew 6:10, John 3:1-8, Colossians 1:13, Matthew 16:28, Matthew 25:34, Matthew 26:29, Luke 22:28-30).
    • The Heavenly Throne of the Father   (verse 7:9-12)
      • All the other thrones (Kingdoms) were put into place by God.   The Throne of the Father will be cast down upon Earth.   
      • The Throne Room of God.   (Revelation 4 and 5)
      • The ‘Ancient of Days’ is a name for God that establishes he is Eternal.   He existed in the past, he has planned all things, and he is working out his plan.   God is eternal, holy, and sovereign.
        • Jesus Christ is referred to as the same, the eternal Son of God.   (Revelation 1:12-20).
        • God’s Majesty - Psalm  90:2
        • God’s Presence - Psalm 97:3
        • God’s Books - Psalm 56:8, Malachi 3:16
      • Ezekiel 1:15-27 parallels Daniel’s vision of God’s throne.
        • Fire - Represents God’s holiness and judgment of sin.   (Deuteronomy 4:24, Hebrews 12:29)
        • Wheel - Represents God’s providential working in the world.
        • God will be praised by a multitude of Saints.   (Revelation 5:11-12)
    • The Earthly Throne of the Son of God      (verses 7:13-14, 27)
      • The Son of Man is used 82 times in the New Testament, which refers to Jesus Christ.
      • “Cloud of Heaven” reminds us of Jesus’s promise to return in Glory and reign on Earth.  (Matthew 24:30, Mark 13:26, Revelation 1:7)
      • The Son of Man (Son of God) is presented before the throne of God and he is given dominion over all the Earth.   (Revelation 11:15)
        • In King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, this is the stone being cut out of the mountain and destroying the world.   (Daniel 2:34-35, 44-45, Revelation 5:1-7).
        • This Kingdom established by Jesus will never end or be destroyed.
          • David was told of this Kingdom.   (2 Samuel 7:13,16)
        • This Kingdom will be shared with his people.   (His Church, the Saints).
          • His people shall reign with him.   (Revelation 5:10, 11:15, 20:4).
      • Six Times it is mentioned that his Kingdom will reign for a 1000 years, which is called the Millennium (Revelation 20:1-8).   During this time the LORD will fulfill the Kingdom promises made in the Old Testament.   Nature will be delivered from bondage to sin and decay (Romans 8:18-25).   There will also be peace on the world during the Millennium (Isaiah 2:1-5, 9:1-7)
    • The Kingdom of Christ vs. the Kingdom of the World.
      • The Kingdom of the world is limited, Christ’s Kingdom is not.
      • The Kingdom of Christ will be unique.   It is about the aura of God.   It is filled with deity and it will be a glorious Kingdom.
      • Christ's Kingdom will be unified and it will stretch to all corners of the world.  It will be an unending Kingdom.
    • Parallels between Daniel 7 and Revelation 13.
      • Both speak of a charismatic leader, a mouth speaking with great authority.   He establishes a great image that everyone must worship.   He will be a great politician and a great diplomat in the eyes of the people.   He will be a clever leader who will change the moral and natural laws of the universe.   He will be equipped by Satan and he will be able to perform miracles and signs to deceive the people.   He will devour the whole world and he will target the converted Christians during the Tribulation Period.
  • Conclusion
    • Daniel sees the history of the Earth, beginning with the Babylonian Empire and ending with the reign of Christ upon the Earth.
    • We have a promise that Christ shall return.   (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Revelation 22:20)
    • The stage is being set for the AntiChrist to arise.
      • Economic Stress of countries and the reign of terror.   (I John 4:3, I John 2:18)
      • Political turmoil due to a lack of leadership
    • We should not worry ourselves looking for the AntiChrist but we should know what his plans are instead.   (Luke 19:13, Matthew 25:13)
    • When we see these events take place, it should help us focus on the coming of Christ.

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