Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ephesians 1:1-2 The Introduction

Ephesians 1: 1 - 2   The Introduction

  • Resources for this study
    • Book - Leading the way Through Ephesians by Michael Youssef.
    • Radio Broadcast series - Skip Heitzig
  • History
    • Apostle Paul
      • Paul had been a Christian for 30 years and wrote this letter from prison in Rome while awaiting his trial.  Paul was under house arrest and allowed to travel freely while in prison.  He was chained to a Roman Praetorian while under house arrest.   Many of the guards chained to Paul became Christians.  Tychicus was one of the guards who eventually delivered Paul’s letter to Ephesus.   (Eph 6:21)
      • Paul had visited Ephesus on his 2nd missionary trip (Acts 18), at which time he established the church there.   Paul also stayed in Ephesus for 3 years teaching during his 3rd missionary trip (Acts 19).
      • The original transcripts do not include ‘Who are in Ephesus” which indicates this was added after Paul wrote this letter.
    • Ephesus
      • Ephesus was a commercial, political, and religious center for all of Asia Minor (modern day Turkey).  It was also the capital of Asia Minor as well.    Ephesus was located on the main trading route.
      • The city became famous for its worship to the Roman Goddess Diana (Greek - Artemis).  It took 220 years to build the temple for Diana.  It was considered one of the 7 Wonders of the World and the temple was 4 times the size of the Parthenon in Acropolis.   (Acts 19)
      • Ephesus was first influenced by the Greeks and then later became a Port of the Roman Empire.   Approximately 500,000 people lived in Ephesus.   Many Jews had settled in Ephesus because of the trade routes.   There were Ephesians located in the upper room at Pentecost.
      • Timothy was the first Bishop of the church of Ephesus.   The Apostle John and Mary the Mother of Jesus had moved there to live.
      • Paul had revealed all about God’s glory to the Ephesians (Acts 20).
      • The apostle John had warned the church of Ephesus that they had strayed from what they were taught and Jesus had asked them to return and repent to do the things the first did from Paul’s teachings.   (Revelation 2:1-7)
      • In the 10th century, Ephesus no longer existed and was buried and in ruins.
    • Main Themes
      • The fullness of our inheritance in Christ.
      • The infinite power that is in us through Jesus.
      • The inexhaustible grace that we have in Jesus.
      • The glorious position that is ours in Jesus.
    • Important things to notice in the letter to the Ephesian church.
      • The riches of God’s grace.                (Eph 1:7).
      • The unsearchable riches of Jesus.    (Eph 3:8)
      • The riches of God’s glory.                 (Eph 3:16)
      • The word “riches” is repeated 5 times.
      • The word “grace” is repeated 12 times.
      • The word “glory” is repeated 6 times.
      • The word “fullness” is repeated 4 times.
      • the words “in Christ” is repeated 13 times.
      • God is building a new culture which can change this existing culture.  God gives us new standards of living, a new life in Jesus Christ, and warfare for the spiritual battle which surrounds us.   
      • 3 word summary of what we have with Jesus Christ in our lives: Wealth, Walk, and warfare.
      • Paul would make his writings first doctrinal then application.   Ephesians chapters 1 through 3 are considered doctrinal where chapters 4 through 6 are application.
      • Ephesus was considered ‘the Bank of Asia Minor’ where the letter Paul wrote to the Ephesians is considered ‘the Spiritual Bank Account’.

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