Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Ephesians 6:18-24 The Power of Prayer

Ephesians 6:18-24     The Power of Prayer

  • Background
    • Tychicus, who is mentioned in verse 23, was a bishop at the church of Ephesus at the time this letter was written.
  • Review.
    • Life is a spiritual battleground and we need to be aware that it exists.   God has given us the armor to fight this battle.   The armor we discussed last week was worn by the soldier on the front only.  The soldier had nothing to protect his back during his retreat.
  • Main Theme.
    • The most powerful weapon that GOD has equipped us to fight the Spiritual Battle is prayer.   Prayer enables us to retreat and flee from Satan’s attack upon us.
      • We need to resist the Devil when we are being tempted.   We should not carry out communication with the Devil as his only interest in us is to hurt the relationship we have with GOD.   Instead, we should pray to GOD always in every occasion.    We need to turn everything over to GOD in prayer.   (James 4:7-10, Daniel 10:12-13, Daniel 9:2-4, Philippians 4:6)
      • The heart is cleansed by confessing our sins.
    • We need to be praying in the Spirit of God.
      • We need to recognize our enemy and that he is a strong opponent who uses deception and lies to tempt us.   Satan can also put thoughts into our minds to tempt us as well.
      • To be able to pray in the Spirit of GOD requires us to be filled with the wholeness of the Holy Spirit.
  • Overview.
    • Prayer is the power behind the full armor of GOD that we are to wear.   Through prayer we develop a lifestyle of total dependency and reliance upon GOD.   Prayer is an act that seals our armor into a single protective piece.   Prayer is also the most basic thing we can do to prepare for battle.
    • Verse 6:18-20      Prayer at all Times.
      • We should always pray and we should never lose heart in our prayers.   We should never give up in our prayers and remain persistent in them.   Jesus tells us this in a parable as he wants us to practice praying with the same persistence if our prayers are not answered promptly.    (Luke 18:1-8)   
      • We have 2 options for prayer, we can either pray at all times or we can give up in defeat when being attacked.
      • We know the importance of prayer in our life and how vital it is, yet at times we can feel our prayer life is inadequate.   We believe in the power of prayer, but we do not always pray as we should.
      • GOD wants us to walk in victory.   Prayer is the key in our Christian walk.
      • Earlier we had learned that we have a vast treasure house of blessings from GOD.   We can be at a greater spiritual danger in times of blessings than times of brokenness.  Times of Spiritual Blessings can leave us feeling self-satisfied, self-sufficient, spiritually complacent, and arrogant as well.   Paul was very concerned for us and he wants to be sure we become spiritually complacent instead.
      • Note in verse 18 how Paul uses the word ‘All’ 4 times.   Paul knew that people pray sometimes, pray for some things, and pray for some period of time for some Christians.   Paul wants us to replace the ‘Some’ with ‘All’.
      • What does it mean to ‘Pray in the Spirit’?
        • We need to allow the Holy Spirit to pray for us and through us.   (Romans 8:26).
        • We should pray what the Holy Spirit prays.   We should link our petitions to his.   We should also join our will with the Holy Spirit’s as well.
        • To be filled with the Holy Spirit means we surrender our lives to him and give him control of our lives.
      • In the Old Testament, people prayed 3 times a day.   In the New Testament, Jesus opened the doors of heaven to us.   We should be praying always and without ceasing.   We should be conscious of GOD at every waking moment.
      • Prayer is opening our heart to GOD and crying out in sincerity.   When faced with temptation, God is there, we do not need to go any place to find him as we can always reach GOD in prayer.
      • Be sure to thank GOD in prayer for your blessings.   Tell GOD what is on your heart, take the time to thank him for our blessings..
      • The more we are aware of GOD, the more natural prayer will come to us.   We can learn to share our every thought with GOD - your wishes, your plans, your problems, your joys, and your dreams throughout the day in prayer.   We should pray at all times and not just at special occasions such as mealtime and bedtime.
      • Because we live in a fast moving society, we as Christians can lose the concept of continual prayer.   We can get into a sense of wanting our prayers to be quick and also expecting quick answers.
    • Luke 11:11-13   Persevering in Prayer.
      • The disciples asked Jesus how to pray so Jesus taught them what we call the ‘LORD’s Prayer’.   Jesus then continues with a parable about a man who knocked on his neighbor’s door for a piece of bread.   Then after this parable Jesus asked several questions about GOD’s provision.
      • We tend to only be serious in prayer when we face a crisis.
        • How would you feel as a parent if your child only came to you in a crisis?
        • There is nothing wrong about praying in a crisis, but we should be praying continuously in our lives.   Prayer should not be a last resort or a strange activity.   It will become natural in a long and continuous relationship with GOD.
      • Priorities in Prayer.
        • The Christian life is a continuous battle.    The best preparation for this battle is prayer.

          • Pray for spiritual power and spiritual victory.   Pray for the advancement of GOD’s kingdom, and pray for the lost to receive salvation of Jesus.   This will prepare us to engage in the battle.
        • We as Christians are in the front lines in the battle.   We must know how to pray in supplication, perseverance, and interceding for all the saints.   We should pray for ourselves, but it should not be the main focus of our prayers.   Becoming passionate for GOD’s work and GOD’s kingdom will help us to be passionate for others.   Likewise, GOD will take care of our needs as well.
          • The object of prayer is not self-centeredness.
          • The object of our prayer is to lift our eyes toward GOD and to make us aware of other’s needs.   (Matthew 6:33)
          • Psychologists recognize that a depressed or anxious person who focuses upon themselves tend to become more depressed or anxious.
          • Prayer for others opens the floodgates of Heaven.   GOD pours out his blessings, grace, and mercy to those who intercede for others.   (James 5:16-18)
    • Verse 6:19-20   An Ambassador in Chains.
      • Paul’s focus was on the advancement of the Gospel, not his current conditions.
      • Paul mentioned earlier that he was a ‘Prisoner for Christ Jesus’.
      • (2 Corinthians 11:24-29)   Paul was aware of his sufferings.  He knew there were more dangers and threats ahead.   Paul did not pray for more comfort or better conditions.   Instead Paul prayed for boldness in preaching the ‘Good News of Jesus Christ’.   He knew if others prayed for his spiritual needs, his physical needs would be met as well.
    • Verse 6:21-24   Love Incorruptible.
      • Paul uses these verses as a closing and a benediction
      • Tychicus is also mentioned in Colossians, 2 Timothy, Titus, and Acts.
      • We are all brothers and sisters in the family of faith.   We are children of the heavenly Father.
      • Paul’s wish is that the church would be blessed.   (Ephesians 1:1-2, Ephesians 6:23-24)
      • Paul prayed that the church would have freedom from persecution and to experience peace as well.   (Ephesians 4:1-6)
      • If we love the LORD, we will love the body of Christ as well.   We will also maintain the unity of the Spirit as well in the bond of peace.   We will love and serve one another - ‘Love Incorruptible’.
      • The church during Paul’s time was under an intense attack by Satan, the Jewish religious leaders, and the pagan Roman Government.   The world was at war with Christ and his church in the 1st Century.   The world is still at war with us in the 21st Century.   We need GOD’s grace, peace, and power so that we can spread the incorruptible love of Jesus Christ to everyone we meet.
      • Paul’s closing and benediction still apply to us as well.
  • Conclusion.
    • In order to experience victory over Satan in our lives, we need to live in a continuous state of prayer.
    • Satan is a very strong and he has many Minions/Demons to aid in his attacks against us.  Satan is only one being and he can only be in one place at a time.   (Revelation 12:3-9. Isaiah 12-14, Ezekiel 28-12-18)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Ephesians 6:10-17 Life is a Battlefield

Ephesians 6:10-17     Life is a Battlefield

  • Background
    • Paul’s letter to the Ephesians gives us a description of the life of a Christian - the wealth, the walk, and warfare.  We have studied the wealth and walk of a Christian and the last 2 lessons will look at the warfare and weapons we have.
    • The description that could be placed upon a Christian is a warrior and fighter according to Paul.
    • Satan has had Thousands of years to do battle against God and that battle still continues on daily.  When we become Christians we quit fighting God and we enter the battle scene as an enemy of Satan.   Satan wants us to doubt our commitment to God and he wants us to not be effective to the LORD.
    • Paul was chained to a Roman while being held a prisoner, so he was familiar with the armor that was worn by the Roman soldiers.
  • Review.
    • Ephesians Chapters 1 through 3 -The wealth of a Christian through our LORD and savior Jesus Christ.
      • Paul reminds us of who we are and what we have.  We have been seated with Jesus Christ in the heavenlies.   We have been given riches in Jesus Christ and we are now adopted children and part of the family of GOD.
    • Chapters 4 and 5 - Walking in the Light of Jesus Christ and what we do through the power of Jesus Christ.
    • Chapter 6 - The battle we face with Satan and the weapons GOD has armed us with.
  • Main Theme.
    • We are in a spiritual battle, a battle between good and evil, a battle that we cannot see that takes place in the spiritual realm.   Walking in sin is inviting trouble from Satan.
      • The first thing a good army does in a battle is to learn about their enemy.  
        • We must be aware that Satan has many helpers.

          • Genesis 1:31, Hebrews 12:22, Revelation 12:3-9)
        • The army must know who they are fighting, what the enemy is like, and finally what his strategy is.
          • A Barna Poll indicates that 70% of Americans believe in a literal devil.   Half of these people believe that the Devil is just a principle or a symbol of evil, the other half believes the Devil is a real being created by GOD.
          • Jesus tells us Satan is real.   (Luke 10:18, Luke 22:31)
          • Lucifer translates to ‘Light Bearer’ in Hebrew.
          • Devil translates to ‘Deceiver or Slanderer’.
          • Charles Spurgeon made the comment that he is glad he knows Satan is his enemy, as a Christian, Satan fights against us.
          • Paul says that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces in the heavenlies.
        • Satan does not personally attack us as he is only one being.  Satan has organized demonic beings, and minions who attack us.
          • The bad news is that one third of the original angels fell with Satan.  The good news is that two thirds of the remaining angels remain loyal to GOD who fights the battle for good.   (I John 4:4, II Samuel 6:15-18)
        • Satan has studied and observed human beings for thousands of years.   He is a very clever foe who uses aggression and deception.
          • Churches have blossomed because of persecution.   China now has 120 billion Christians since the Revolution.
          • Satan has tried to pollute the Church with true and false believers.   (Matthew 13:24-30)
          • Some versions mention ‘the wiles of Satan’.  A wile is translated to schemes, tactics, plotting, an animal who stalks and then pounces on its prey.
  • Overview.
    • Satan was defeated when Jesus was raised from the dead and by Jesus’s resurrection Satan has been rendered powerless.   Still Satan refuses to concede defeat, he refuses to accept his inevitable destruction.  He refuses to surrender by attacking and destroying lives.    
    • Verse 6:10-12     On the Attack
      • Satan wants us to accept the deception that he does not exist.  Satan wants us to believe he has no influence upon this world.  A Barna poll shows that 75% of Catholics and 55% of Protestants believe that Satan does not exist.  They believe he is a symbol and not a real being.   Many Christians also believe Satan does not exist even though the Bible warns us about him.
      • We will be attacked by Satan regardless of who we are.    Satan and his minions are on attack every day, whether by direct assault or by plotting against us.
      • The Good News is that we can be spiritually equipped for this battle to be victorious.  Demonic forces will fight dirty and look for our weaknesses and vulnerabilities and attack without warning.   Satan and his demons are ruthless, cunning, and conceited.
      • Satan can pretend to be an angel of light which can lull us into a false sense of security.    (2 Corinthians 11: 12-15)
    • Verse 6:13      The Armor of God.
      • Jesus was attacked in while in the wilderness for 40 days and he was also attacked in the Garden of Gethsemane.   When Jesus came under attack by Satan he defeated him through the power of the Word of GOD.
      • If we try to fight Satan on our own strength, wisdom and power, we will be defeated.  We need to be strong in the LORD and put on his armor.  We need to wear that armor 24/7.  Paul reminds us that our battles are not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual realm, the cosmic powers of the darkness.
      • Paul says we need to put on the Spiritual Armor of GOD and to not give up.   When we give up, we give Satan an open door to walk into our family and our church.   Satan wants to destroy our families, churches, and testimonies.   The armor of GOD can help us to stand firm against Satan’s attacks and it also can help us to remain standing.   the greater the battle won, the sweeter the victory.
    • Verse 6:14-17      An Inventory of your Armor.
      • Gird your Waist with the Belt of Truth.
        • On the Roman Soldier, was made of a wide leather strap that wrapped around the soldiers waist.  The Belt held everything together.  The Roman soldier would tuck the extra material from his Tunic (robe) under his belt to he was able to run and move freely in battle field.   The sheath was also hung from the belt.
        • This comparison is telling us to be prepared with the Truth by encircling ourselves with the Word of GOD..
      • Gird your Loins.
        • This comparison is telling us to get our minds ready for action.  We should be prepared by living truthful and authentic lives by what we do and say.
      • The Breastplate of Righteousness.
        • On the Roman Soldier the Breastplate was a thick piece of leather or a thin metal which went from the neck to the waist.  Its purpose was to protect the vital organs such as the heart and lungs.
        • Assure - shall persuade or set at rest, tranquilize the heart, conformed to Jesus Christ, heart-soothed.
        • This comparison tells us that Righteousness guards our hearts and minds.   (I John 3:7-10)  We have been made Righteous through Jesus Christ and we can remind Satan and his demons of this fact when attacked.   Whenever Satan tries to make us doubt our salvation, we can confidently reply back, ‘We are covered by the righteousness of the LORD Jesus Christ as his word promises us.   (Romans 8:11)
          • Our righteousness is shown by our obedience to GOD’s word.   We live in dependence of GOD’s word.   Living a righteous life involves more than being active in church.   (Ephesians 5:18)
      • Feet Fitted with Readiness (The Gospel Boots).
        • During Roman times, it was common to have stakes placed in the ground to trip up the enemy.   For this reason, Roman soldiers would wear Sandals with studs on the bottom to hold their feet to the ground.
        • This comparison tells us to have a firm footing with good shoes.    We attain this by the effect the Gospel places upon our life and how we live it.   We have a Gospel of peace which means that we are at peace with GOD and one another.   Our feet need to be protected by tough and reliable boots.   The believer who stands firm in his boots is ready to battle.
      • The Shield of Faith.
        • A Roman soldier would use 2 different shields to do battle with.   The smaller shield, which was about 24” in diameter, which was used in hand to hand combat to deflect the enemies blows of the sword.   They also used a larger shield which they could interlock with one another as they marched in battle.   The larger shield was about 60” tall and about 30” wide and was able to protect the full body of the soldier.   The large shields were used in the first line of defense and the smaller shields were used in the second lines.   The larger shield was able to deflect the pitched soaked flaming arrows that were being fired upon them.
        • This comparison tells us to live each day by trusting GOD to divert Satan’s arrows (fiery darts).    The arrows that Paul refers to are the temptations and doubts that Satan will fire at us.   If Satan’s arrows bit us, they can make us question our salvation and burn its way into our hearts.  Sin begins when we believe Satan’s lies and doubt GOD’s word.
      • The Helmet of Salvation.
        • The Roman soldier would wear a helmet to protect his head.
        • This comparison tells us to protect our minds.   Satan tries to attack our thought life, our feelings and conviction toward GOD.   We need to accumulate Bible Knowledge and become familiar with GOD’s word when we are being attacked by Satan.   (Philippians 1:6)
          • Satan’s most effective tool is to try and affect our mind.   If Satan can distort our thinking, he can convince us our salvation is not assured and he can make us doubt GOD’s love and Word.  He will now be able to lure us into sin easier.   We need to remind ourselves that we are saved by grace through faith alone.   When we trust in Jesus we can protect our minds from Satan’s attacks.
      • The Sword of the Spirit   (The Word of GOD).
        • A typical sword was around 16” to 18” long.  It was short so the soldier could make short and decisive stabs at the enemy.
        • The above items are for defensive purposes where the Sword is used for offensive purposes primarily.   It is used to attack the enemy and to also fend off his blows as well.
        • This comparison tells us that we are given an arsenal of truths through the scriptures to aid us in the battle against Satan.   We need to pull out Scriptures to use and stand upon it.   (Matthew 4:1-11)
          • The Bible is authored by the Holy Spirit of GOD and the same Holy Spirit gives us power and words to say in battle.
          • GOD’s Word is flawless, faultless, it is complete, and it is authoritative.   GOD’s Word is the source of all truth and it is a sword that slices through people’s defenses.  It pierces the conscience and it also awakens the spiritually dead.
  • Conclusion.
    • Life is a battleground and not a playground.
    • Good shall prevail over evil.   (Matthew 6:18, Revelation 12:9)
    • Without the armor of GOD, we are asking to be wounded by Satan in battle.
    • Do not wander from the Word of GOD.
    • Do not take chances with your Christian walk.  Take up the whole armor of GOD and wear it daily so that we can withstand Satan’s attacks.
    • From Paul’s message we can feel that we are safe if we come under attack.
      • Believers who run away from GOD are bringing peril and pain to themselves.  They are leaving themselves defenseless so when Satan does attack, he will show no mercy.
      • The further one turns from GOD, the longer the trip home will be.   The enemy will take advantage of the situation and he will produce a vicious attack.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Ephesians 6:5-9 God’s Plan for your Workplace

Ephesians 6:5-9     God’s Plan for your Workplace

  • Background
    • During Paul’s time, there was an estimated 60 million slaves in the Roman Empire, which accounted for half the population.  The Romans had reached a high level of wealth and arrogance.  The Romans considered it beneath their dignity to work.   This included laborers, doctor’s teachers, accountants, and secretaries doing their work for them.   People would sell themselves to settle debts and children were sold by impoverished parents.   Slavery was an accepted way of life and not challenges.  It was considered foolish to consider uprising against the Roman political and social regime, a risk that could lead to death.
    • The story of a convicted Christina to Abolish Slavery - William Wilberforce.
      • William was born and raised in England and he was educated in Cambridge.  His primary goal in life was to make a name for himself and to feed his ego, it was not to improve the living conditions of his fellow citizens.  He was elected into Parliament in 1780.  He admitted that in his early years he had done nothing, nothing to a purpose.   In 1785 he contemplated the meaning of life.  he committed his life to Jesus Christ on Easter morning.   In 1786, at the age of 26, he stopped drinking and going to dinner parties.  He then began to focus on 2 things, evangelizing the lost and abolishing slavery.   England during those times claimed that God supported and endorsed human slavery.  John Newton, who wrote ‘Amazing Grace’.  Newton told Wilberforce the horrors of slavery as Newton was a captain of a large slavery ship.  Wilberforce introduced a series of resolutions against slavery.  Each was blocked by powerful politicians but Wilberforce refused to give up the crusade.  During this time he was plagued with a serious illness that kept him bedridden for weeks.  Doctors had introduced him to opium, a narcotic drug to ease the pain.   Wilberforce finally achieved victory 20 years later after his fight against slavery began.   He saw his finally victory just before his death in 1833 where an Emancipation law was passed to free slaves.
  • Main Theme.
    • Since we are all servants of Jesus Christ, the work that we are doing is all work for Jesus.   The slave shall serve his Master.
      • According to a certain survey of workers in the workplace, 20% of the work time is spent goofing off.   This would amount to 1 day in a 5 day work week.
      • A man reveals his Christianity during the week.  This would include faithfulness and loyalty to his Employer.
        • Loyalty and respect to those in Authority.
        • Not being Two-faced.
        • Paul would proclaim that he was a Bondservant of Jesus Christ. to please Jesus.
    • Employers are asked not treat their employees harshly.  
      • The master (Boss) show act in a way of knowing his real Master is in Heaven, Jesus Christ.
    • For this relationship to occur between the Master and Slave (Employee and Employer) requires submission by both parties involved.
      • The responsibilities are mutual between employee and employer (slave and master) as we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.
      • Paul addresses this issue in Philemon 1: 10 -25, the relationship between Philemon and Onesimus.
    • Slaves have a Liberty in Christ.
      • The principle of slavery is wrong which is a matter of the flesh and not the heart.
      • We are seeing a new type of slavery during our times: slavery of the minds, foreign ideologies, political, and a sense that we need to make everyone happy.
  • Overview.
    • Only the power of Christ can offer true freedom to break the shackles of slavery.
      • We are all working for Christ and all labor is dignified for all workers.
    • Verses 6:5-9
      • The Problem of Slavery.
        • During the Civil War, Jefferson Davis claimed ‘Slavery was established by the decree of Almighty God.  It is sanctioned in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation”.   Many used the same verses to justify their cruel commerce in human flesh.
        • The critics to Slavery said slaves should revolt and not obey their Master’s.  They forgot the power of the Gospel, the intent of the Gospel, and the current times.
        • The New Testament and Paul’s teaching introduced new concepts of justice, freedom, peacemaking, and compassion for the poor and the oppressed.  The Gospel transforms society by first transforming people.
        • Paul wrote at a time of History when Slavery was the Social norm.   Paul’s themes were recurring again and again - Liberty, Love, Charity, and Equality.   (Galatians 3;28, Luke 4:18-19)
        • Spiritual realities include concepts of liberty and equality which are central to the Christian Gospel.   For this reason, many Romans converted to Christianity.   Christianity was outlawed in the Roman Empire and that is why Paul counseled them to be peaceful and obedient so that the oppression would not continue among them.   He was not condoning slavery, instead Paul was giving advice on how to prevent further suffering by the slaves.   Paul was hoping the slave-master would mirror our relationship with Jesus Christ.
          • Jesus loves and cares for us as friends, as sons and daughters.   He protects us from Satan.  He makes us co-heirs with him.
      • The Heart of the Problem.
        • The New Testament does not focus on outward reformation or resurrecting a political or social system.  It does not teach gradual improvement of the human condition or tinkering with life’s issues.
        • The New Testament does tell us that the real problem with the human condition is the heart.   The heart needs radical surgery, not a cosmetic surgery.   To transform society we need to transform the human hearts first, going from person to person, then to society with its social and political systems.
      • Your View of the Workplace.
        • How you view your job can affect your life and the life of others.  Do you view work as evil. a curse, or as something that needs to be done to put food on the table?
        • If we are filled with the Spirit, we will see our jobs as a blessing.  We can see the workplace as a mission field, a place of opportunity for Christ’s work.   Even though work may seem mundane, it offers a evangelistic opportunity and challenge.   We need to remember, even if our boss is a slave driver, Paul has given us instructions on how to be a servant.  We have to remember our “Service as to the LORD”.   We are working to please the LORD, not to please the boss and receive a paycheck.
          • What to do if you have a difficult boss, oppressive workplace, pointless or discouraging job.
            • Not to take it easy and do the least to get by.
            • Ask GOD to use you to glorify him in your workplace.
            • Offer your job as an offering and sacrifice.
            • To strengthen me and to show that Jesus’s light will shine through us.
        • Having the right perspective develops the right attitude.
      • A Word to Bosses.
        • Treat all his employees well without threats and abuse.
        • God is master to the Employees and Employers.  All are equal in GOD’s eyes.   (Colossians 4:1)
        • Obey God first and please him.   Be submissive to the authority of GOD.
        • During ancient Roman times, the master’s authority was an absolute up to and including the power of life and death.
        • A godly employer reflects Christ to his employees.  he is to be fair and just.  He is to look out for their well-being.   He is to respect them just as GOD shows no favorites.
      • Your Workplace, your Mission Field.+
        • What has GOD called you to do?   What is your ministry?
  • Conclusion.
    • To see if someone is a Christian or not you can observe how people handle conflict when they are given a full load.  This would include the workplace.
    • Be the best slave to your master.  Work done from within the heart is not work done out of slavery.
    • We are stealing if we do not do the work we are paid to do.
    • Last week we looked at the example of Basic Training.   It begins at home and then moves into becoming a responsible Laborer and a responsible Capitalist.  The Slave to the Master, the Employee to the Employer.  A worker is good soldier of Jesus Christ, as he contributes to the welfare of society.
    • Is Christianity being practiced outside of the Church with our families and workplace?  Is it wanting but not trying?
    • If you offer your life and career to the LORD and ask him to bless it, he will use you to change lives.