Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Ephesians 6:18-24 The Power of Prayer

Ephesians 6:18-24     The Power of Prayer

  • Background
    • Tychicus, who is mentioned in verse 23, was a bishop at the church of Ephesus at the time this letter was written.
  • Review.
    • Life is a spiritual battleground and we need to be aware that it exists.   God has given us the armor to fight this battle.   The armor we discussed last week was worn by the soldier on the front only.  The soldier had nothing to protect his back during his retreat.
  • Main Theme.
    • The most powerful weapon that GOD has equipped us to fight the Spiritual Battle is prayer.   Prayer enables us to retreat and flee from Satan’s attack upon us.
      • We need to resist the Devil when we are being tempted.   We should not carry out communication with the Devil as his only interest in us is to hurt the relationship we have with GOD.   Instead, we should pray to GOD always in every occasion.    We need to turn everything over to GOD in prayer.   (James 4:7-10, Daniel 10:12-13, Daniel 9:2-4, Philippians 4:6)
      • The heart is cleansed by confessing our sins.
    • We need to be praying in the Spirit of God.
      • We need to recognize our enemy and that he is a strong opponent who uses deception and lies to tempt us.   Satan can also put thoughts into our minds to tempt us as well.
      • To be able to pray in the Spirit of GOD requires us to be filled with the wholeness of the Holy Spirit.
  • Overview.
    • Prayer is the power behind the full armor of GOD that we are to wear.   Through prayer we develop a lifestyle of total dependency and reliance upon GOD.   Prayer is an act that seals our armor into a single protective piece.   Prayer is also the most basic thing we can do to prepare for battle.
    • Verse 6:18-20      Prayer at all Times.
      • We should always pray and we should never lose heart in our prayers.   We should never give up in our prayers and remain persistent in them.   Jesus tells us this in a parable as he wants us to practice praying with the same persistence if our prayers are not answered promptly.    (Luke 18:1-8)   
      • We have 2 options for prayer, we can either pray at all times or we can give up in defeat when being attacked.
      • We know the importance of prayer in our life and how vital it is, yet at times we can feel our prayer life is inadequate.   We believe in the power of prayer, but we do not always pray as we should.
      • GOD wants us to walk in victory.   Prayer is the key in our Christian walk.
      • Earlier we had learned that we have a vast treasure house of blessings from GOD.   We can be at a greater spiritual danger in times of blessings than times of brokenness.  Times of Spiritual Blessings can leave us feeling self-satisfied, self-sufficient, spiritually complacent, and arrogant as well.   Paul was very concerned for us and he wants to be sure we become spiritually complacent instead.
      • Note in verse 18 how Paul uses the word ‘All’ 4 times.   Paul knew that people pray sometimes, pray for some things, and pray for some period of time for some Christians.   Paul wants us to replace the ‘Some’ with ‘All’.
      • What does it mean to ‘Pray in the Spirit’?
        • We need to allow the Holy Spirit to pray for us and through us.   (Romans 8:26).
        • We should pray what the Holy Spirit prays.   We should link our petitions to his.   We should also join our will with the Holy Spirit’s as well.
        • To be filled with the Holy Spirit means we surrender our lives to him and give him control of our lives.
      • In the Old Testament, people prayed 3 times a day.   In the New Testament, Jesus opened the doors of heaven to us.   We should be praying always and without ceasing.   We should be conscious of GOD at every waking moment.
      • Prayer is opening our heart to GOD and crying out in sincerity.   When faced with temptation, God is there, we do not need to go any place to find him as we can always reach GOD in prayer.
      • Be sure to thank GOD in prayer for your blessings.   Tell GOD what is on your heart, take the time to thank him for our blessings..
      • The more we are aware of GOD, the more natural prayer will come to us.   We can learn to share our every thought with GOD - your wishes, your plans, your problems, your joys, and your dreams throughout the day in prayer.   We should pray at all times and not just at special occasions such as mealtime and bedtime.
      • Because we live in a fast moving society, we as Christians can lose the concept of continual prayer.   We can get into a sense of wanting our prayers to be quick and also expecting quick answers.
    • Luke 11:11-13   Persevering in Prayer.
      • The disciples asked Jesus how to pray so Jesus taught them what we call the ‘LORD’s Prayer’.   Jesus then continues with a parable about a man who knocked on his neighbor’s door for a piece of bread.   Then after this parable Jesus asked several questions about GOD’s provision.
      • We tend to only be serious in prayer when we face a crisis.
        • How would you feel as a parent if your child only came to you in a crisis?
        • There is nothing wrong about praying in a crisis, but we should be praying continuously in our lives.   Prayer should not be a last resort or a strange activity.   It will become natural in a long and continuous relationship with GOD.
      • Priorities in Prayer.
        • The Christian life is a continuous battle.    The best preparation for this battle is prayer.

          • Pray for spiritual power and spiritual victory.   Pray for the advancement of GOD’s kingdom, and pray for the lost to receive salvation of Jesus.   This will prepare us to engage in the battle.
        • We as Christians are in the front lines in the battle.   We must know how to pray in supplication, perseverance, and interceding for all the saints.   We should pray for ourselves, but it should not be the main focus of our prayers.   Becoming passionate for GOD’s work and GOD’s kingdom will help us to be passionate for others.   Likewise, GOD will take care of our needs as well.
          • The object of prayer is not self-centeredness.
          • The object of our prayer is to lift our eyes toward GOD and to make us aware of other’s needs.   (Matthew 6:33)
          • Psychologists recognize that a depressed or anxious person who focuses upon themselves tend to become more depressed or anxious.
          • Prayer for others opens the floodgates of Heaven.   GOD pours out his blessings, grace, and mercy to those who intercede for others.   (James 5:16-18)
    • Verse 6:19-20   An Ambassador in Chains.
      • Paul’s focus was on the advancement of the Gospel, not his current conditions.
      • Paul mentioned earlier that he was a ‘Prisoner for Christ Jesus’.
      • (2 Corinthians 11:24-29)   Paul was aware of his sufferings.  He knew there were more dangers and threats ahead.   Paul did not pray for more comfort or better conditions.   Instead Paul prayed for boldness in preaching the ‘Good News of Jesus Christ’.   He knew if others prayed for his spiritual needs, his physical needs would be met as well.
    • Verse 6:21-24   Love Incorruptible.
      • Paul uses these verses as a closing and a benediction
      • Tychicus is also mentioned in Colossians, 2 Timothy, Titus, and Acts.
      • We are all brothers and sisters in the family of faith.   We are children of the heavenly Father.
      • Paul’s wish is that the church would be blessed.   (Ephesians 1:1-2, Ephesians 6:23-24)
      • Paul prayed that the church would have freedom from persecution and to experience peace as well.   (Ephesians 4:1-6)
      • If we love the LORD, we will love the body of Christ as well.   We will also maintain the unity of the Spirit as well in the bond of peace.   We will love and serve one another - ‘Love Incorruptible’.
      • The church during Paul’s time was under an intense attack by Satan, the Jewish religious leaders, and the pagan Roman Government.   The world was at war with Christ and his church in the 1st Century.   The world is still at war with us in the 21st Century.   We need GOD’s grace, peace, and power so that we can spread the incorruptible love of Jesus Christ to everyone we meet.
      • Paul’s closing and benediction still apply to us as well.
  • Conclusion.
    • In order to experience victory over Satan in our lives, we need to live in a continuous state of prayer.
    • Satan is a very strong and he has many Minions/Demons to aid in his attacks against us.  Satan is only one being and he can only be in one place at a time.   (Revelation 12:3-9. Isaiah 12-14, Ezekiel 28-12-18)

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