Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Daniel 10: Heavenly Beings

Daniel 10: Heavenly Beings

  • Setting
    • The last 3 chapters of Daniel tell of the last vision that Daniel had.   Chapter 10 is an introduction into this vision and this chapter talks about the spiritual realm.    This spiritual realm explains the battle taking place between God’s angels and Satan’s angels.
    • In the 1st year of Cyrus, Zerubbabel led the first group of Jews (50,000) back to Jerusalem.   (Ezra 5:1-5)
    • Daniel receives this vision during the 3rd year of King Cyrus, around 537 BC.   Daniel was now 85 years old and he had been held captive for over 70 years in Babylon.    Daniel is found mourning and in prayer for his people after their release 3 years ago.   
  • Overview
    • Daniel was praying for wisdom to understand his previous visions.    His prayer and fasting had lasted 3 weeks before he received an answer to his prayer.  
    • Daniel had mourned during these 3 weeks.   He had fasted and he had anointed himself with oil during this time.   
    • The phrase ‘the time appointed was long’ can be translated to ‘and of great conflict’ or ‘and it concerned a great war’.
    • The History of Israel under the Babylonians.
      • In 605 BC, the first Jewish captives were taken into captivity into Babylon, which included Daniel and his 3 friends.
      • The first captives returned 70 years later in 536 BC.
      • The Jewish Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC by the Babylonian army.   The 2nd Temple was rebuilt 70 years later as its dedication and completion was in 515 BC.   The work on the Temple was stopped in 536 BC and resumed in 520 BC.
        • It took 2 years to get the Temple Foundation started.   There was an edict to stop all reconstruction work and this word must have reached Daniel as well.   (Ezra 4:17-22).
        • God is never late in accomplishing His will and our times are in God’s hands.   (Psalm 31:14-16).
  • Breakdown of the Verses.
    • verses 10: 1 - 3      A Concerned Prophet
      • Daniel had fasted and prayed for 3 weeks.   He had also used ointments during this time as he was seeking the face of God.
        • It is likely he had heard reports that his people, the Jews, and the tabernacle had arrived safely in Jerusalem.  He also had likely heard of the suffering the remnant had endured while in the ruined city.
      • There are 2 probable explanations for Daniel’s prayer.
        • Daniel was praying that the temple would be restored in 70 years.   (Jeremiah 25:11-12, Jeremiah 29:10-14)
        • Daniel may have wanted to understand more about the visions and prophecies and he longed for God to reveal more truth about Israel’s future.
    • verses 10:4-9, 14      An Awesome Vision
      • 3 days after Daniel’s fasting and prayer, he stood along the Tigris River and he saw a great vision.
      • During the First Month of the Year, the Jews would celebrate the Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of the First Fruits.   (Leviticus 23:1-14)
        • The Passover represented the Jews being freed from Egypt.   The Jews were now being permitted to leave Babylon for the homeland, Israel.
      • Daniel sees a man wearing a linen garment with a golden girdle, having a body like chrysolite (or topaz), with a face like lightning, his eyes flaming like torches, his arms and feet gleaming like polished brass, and his voice sounding like a great thunder.   This man had come unannounced.   Another man who was with Daniel did not see this awesome sight but he could feel the terror and hid himself.    Daniel then falls into a deep sleep.
        • Who was this person?   Was it the pre-incarnate image of Jesus Christ, the angel Gabriel, or another angel?    (Revelation 1:12-16, Daniel 10:10-15, Daniel 7:9-14).
          • Christophany or Theophany - An appearance of Christ in the Old Testament.
          • The pre-incarnate Jesus Christ appeared to Abraham as a traveler, he had wrestled with Jacob, and he had also appeared to Joshua as the Captain of the Army.  (Genesis 18:1-10, Genesis 32:22-32, Joshua 5:13-15).
          • The pre-incarnate Jesus Christ appeared to Isaiah as the King of the Throne.   (Isaiah 6:1-5)
          • Jesus Christ had also appeared to the Apostle Paul as the glorified High Priest in Revelation.   Like John, Daniel was also given a great vision of the future.   (Matthew 5:8)
    • verses 10:10-21      An Invisible War.
      • It is thought that the glorious man did disappear and that an angel touched Daniel while he was on the ground.   This would be the 3rd time Daniel was touched by an angel.   This angel enables Daniel to lift himself up to his hands and knees.   The angel then speaks to Daniel and he was given strength to stand.
      • This is the 2nd time that Daniel is referred to as “dearly beloved”.
      • The angel reveals to Daniel there is an invisible war taking place in the heavenlies between the forces of evil and the forces of God.
        • Notice that the angel was detained by the King of Persia.  This evil angel, the spiritual King of Persia, was assigned to this area to see that the living King of Persia did what Satan wanted him to do.   Michael the Archangel had to assist Gabriel to win this battle.
        • When Satan fell from Heaven (rebelled against God), some angels also fell with Satan as well.  These evil angels oppose Jesus Christ and they obey Satan.   (Isaiah 14:12-15, Revelation 12:7-12, Matthew 25:41).
        • It appears there are specific evil angels assigned to various nations.      (Ephesians 6:12)
        • Satan does have an army.   (Revelation 12:7, Matthew 25:41, Ephesians 6:12).
      • The returning Jews were facing Satan’s evil powers that were using officials to oppose them while rebuilding Jerusalem.   (Ezra 4:1-6).
      • God directs his army of angels.   (2 Kings 6:17).
      • After Daniel realized God’s future plan for Israel, he once again fainted.   Daniel realizes he is involved in a Spiritual conflict as revealed by the Angel.   Daniel never realized this spiritual conflict until it was revealed to him.   Daniel also realizes God is using Angel’s to answer his prayers.
        • Prayer is one of our strongest spiritual weapons.   When we neglect prayer, we can become weak and feel defeated.   Peter Deyneka, a Slavic missionary stated ‘Much prayer, much power.   No prayer, no power.’
      • The Angel again restores Daniel strength and tells Daniel to ‘fear not’.   The Angel also says ‘Peace.   Be strong now, be strong.’   Daniel needed this encouragement to hear the Angel’s message.
      • The Angel made it clear to Daniel that the war was not over.
        • The Angel said he would be returning to Michael to aid in his battle against the Princes of Persia and Greece.
        • King Cyrus had shown a great kindness to the Jews by allowing the Jews to return to their land, a plan which Satan had opposed.
        • God also had plans for Greece which Satan had also opposed.
  • Conclusion
    • Satan wants to be like the most High God, but Satan has been defeated at the cross of Jesus Christ.   (Ephesians 1:15-23, Colossians 2:13-15, Revelation 12:11)
      • We can now claim victory by faith.   The believer's response is put on the whole armor of God against Satan and his evil angels.      (Ephesians 6:10-18, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5)
      • Satan has been judged at the cross, his judgment has never been administered.   At the end of times, this judgment will be carried out.
    • We, like Daniel, have been called ‘dearly beloved’.      (Ephesians 1:4-7, John 17:20-26)
    • We are not to worship the angels.   (Colossians 2:18-19, Revelation 19:10, Revelation 22:8-9)
    • Jesus taught his disciples that Satan could be defeated through prayer and fasting.   (Matthew 17:14-21).
    • Jesus took serious the demonic forces, and we should do the same as well.   (I Peter 5:8, 2 Corinthians 11:3)
    • A key trap or misconception Satan uses is to get people to believe he does not exist.
    • We should pray for God’s will to happen.   (I Timothy 2:1-3, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5).
      • We should consider the destiny of nations through history that transpired because of God’s will in Babylon.
    • Has our lack of victory been caused by our lack of prayer?

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