Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Parables of Jesus - Lesson 9

The Parables of Jesus
Lesson 9 
·         Background
o   Today’s Parables come from the Gospel of Luke.  
§  Luke was a Gentile Doctor and also a historian.   He was a companion to Paul during Paul’s journeys and it has been suggested that Luke met Paul in Troas.   It has also been suggested that the ‘Thorn in the Flesh’ required Luke to continue to be a personal doctor for Paul.   Luke is also the author of the Book of Acts which gives us the early history of the Church.
o   Both parables were taught in Jesus’s early teachings.
·         Parables of A Christian Life.
o   On Being Thankful. (Luke 7: 36 – 50)
§  Jesus had been invited to eat dinner at a house of one of the Pharisees named Simon.   A sinful woman learned of Jesus being at this house so she went to Simon’s house and she washes Jesus’s feet with her tears, kisses his feet, and then anoints them with oil.   The Pharisee upon seeing this questions this in his mind that if Jesus is truly a prophet he would surely recognize the woman as a sinner.
§  An Alabaster jar was typically carved, expensive, and beautiful during this time period.
§  In Jesus’s day it was customary to recline while eating.   It was also common to have guests who did not partake in the meal but were observers of the conversation.   Dinner guests would lie on couches with their heads near the table and prop themselves up on one elbow and stretch their feet out behind them.   The woman was not a dinner guest and entered Simon’s house and she knelt behind Jesus’s feet.
§  Simon the Pharisee had committed several social errors that hosts should extend to their guests during this time period.   Sandaled guests would have dirty feet from traveling and the host was to wash their feet, anoint there head with oil, and offer a greeting kiss.   Simon also expected Jesus to scorn the woman as she was a known sinner.
§  The Pharisees believed that only God could forgive sin so they wondered how Jesus could say that the woman’s sin was forgiven.
§  The theme of this parable is one of God’s forgiveness and grace.   God forgave both debtors because of his incredible graciousness, mercy, and forgiveness, as both debtors had sinned.   The woman who was a sinner showed by her actions that she needed forgiveness because of her past sins.   Simon the Pharisee saw he had little need of forgiveness by failing to see Jesus as the Guest of Honor.   The woman responded out of love and gratitude knowing Jesus could forgive her sins.   The Pharisee can be likened to one who has grown in the church all there life and feels that works will atone for their sin.   The woman can be likened to the sinner who repents and accepts Jesus into one’s life.
§  Related Readings
·         Genesis 18:2-4, Genesis 19:1-2, Genesis 43:24, Judges 19:20-21, Psalm 23:5, Matthew 9:22, Mark 5:32-34
o   Wise and Foolish Builders (Luke 6: 46 - 49)
§  This parable was given shortly after the Sermon of the Mount (The Beatitudes).
§  Jesus teaches us that obeying God is like building a house.   If a house (our life) has a firm foundation, it can stand firm when a storm (trials) approach.   When life is calm our foundation does not appear to matter.  When storms and trials do come, our foundations are tested.
§  Jesus was speaking to the most religious people possible, the people in the right and chosen religion, Judaism.   He mentioned the people called him ‘LORD’ but they did not do what Jesus was preaching.   Jesus is not looking for curiosity seekers, fascination, or admiration.   Jesus is telling us what it is like to be a true follower.  It does not mean anything if we do not follow Jesus and call him ‘LORD’.
§  ‘Rock’ is an Old Testament term for God.   ‘Foundation’ is a New Testament term for Jesus. (I Corinthians 3:11)
§  Flooding was a certainty for both builders.   The second builder was taking a calculated risk as he did not know when the flood would occur.  The same is true in our lives as we do not know when the next storm or trial will occur as well.   Life was never promised to be easy by Jesus as scripture does tell us.   We can face frustrations, difficulties, threats, and devastation.   Scripture also tells us that God is our only hope during those times.   The trials in our life are an opportunity to strengthen our faith and make us more dependent upon following God’s guidance.   God can take horrible circumstances and turn them into good.  Look at the story of Joseph, the son of Jacob.   (Genesis 50:15-20)
§  Jesus was not speaking to those who rebelled against him but those who professed to be followers and how they would either live or not live according to his teachings by how they put his teachings into practice.
§  A strong foundation includes believing who Jesus is, to turn from our sin to a faith in Jesus as the way of salvation.   Having a strong foundation will help is to survive the storm and last forever (eternal life in heaven).  We do not build for this life upon earth but for our life of eternity in Heaven with Jesus.
§  Related Readings
·         Romans 5:1-3, Job 5:17, John 12:43-50, John 13:13, Matthew 7:21, Luke 11:28, James 1:22-25.

·         Questions to Ponder/Life Lessons.
o   Do we take for granted our relationship with Jesus as the Pharisee or are we like the woman who repents and seeks forgiveness for our sins?
o   The first parable shows us about a lack of understanding with ingratitude, the Pharisee and the sinner’s actions.   The Pharisee was looking at the woman from the outward appearance and actions where Jesus can see our hearts and desires.   Simon only saw the repentance of the woman’s past, where Jesus saw the woman’s repentance from the heart.  
o   We live in an age of ingratitude, where people are not thankful in areas that they should be.  Are we thankful for our jobs, our spouse, our children, our parents, or our friends?   Do we think of ourselves instead of others?   Do we look down on others?
o   How is Simon different from the woman?  How is the woman better than Simon?  Who do you think the worse sinner is here, Simon or the woman?
o   What is the rock or foundation upon which you should build your house (I Corinthians 3:11).   Be sure your life is built upon a solid foundation, knowing and trusting Jesus Christ.   Can you imagine building a house without some form of foundation?

o   When you find yourself listening but not obeying, what are your reasons?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Parables of Jesus - Lesson 8

The Parables of Jesus
Lesson 8
·         Background
o   Today’s Parables come from the Gospel of Luke.  
o   Jesus was teaching along his way to Jerusalem where he would eventually be crucified.
o   Jesus had just sent out 72 disciples ahead of him, 36 groups of 2 people, to help spread the message to the towns he would be teaching in.
o   Parables help answer questions and deal with attitudes.
·         Parables of A Christian Life.
o   The Good Samaritan. (Luke 10: 25 – 37)
§  An expert of the law stood up to test Jesus on what he must do to have eternal life.   He was quoting from Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18.  He correctly understood total devotion to God and love for one’s neighbor.   This man of the law was self-righteous and he was also trying to justify himself.
§  The road between Jerusalem and Jericho was steep and treacherous because robbers had many places to hide.   The road was nicknamed “The Way of the Blood”.   It was considered by Jewish law that anyone who touched a dead man was considered unclean.   The Priest and Levite were leaving Jerusalem, as they had completed their duties and returning home.  They had just worshiped God (Love God) but they did not help the wounded man (Love your neighbor).   The priest would have been familiar with the Jewish law which commanded that you help your enemy’s donkey if he was lost or overturned.   The Levite was a spiritual leader for the nation of Israel and he was also familiar of the Jewish laws.
§  There was a deep hatred between Jews and Samaritans.   The Jews saw themselves as pure descendants of Abraham, while the Samaritans where a mixed race produced when the Jews from the northern kingdom of Israel inter-married with other people after Israel’s exile to Babylon.   Notice how the Jewish leader answered Jesus’s question, ‘Which of the 3 men was a neighbor?”.   The Jewish leader had mentioned early in the parable to “love your neighbor”, but the Jewish leader answered Jesus by saying, “the one who showed mercy”.  He could not say the Samaritan.   Jesus was telling this parable in reply to the expert of the Law’s question, ‘Who is my neighbor?’.
§  We can see 3 different Attitudes displayed in this parable.
·         The Robber – What is yours is mine and I am going to take it.
·         The Priest/Levite – What is mine is mine and I am going to keep it.
·         The Samaritan – What is mine is yours and I am going to share it.
§  Related Readings
·         Deuteronomy 6:5, Leviticus 19:18, Matthew 19:16, Luke 18:18,  Leviticus 21:1-3.
o   Persistence in not Giving Up. (Luke 11:5-13 and Luke 18:1-8)
§  Both readings talk about the importance of prayer.
§  The expression “wear me out” literally translates to “hit me under the eye”.  It appeared to be in the best interest of the judge to give the woman her results because of her persistence.  The unjust judge acted upon his own selfish nature.   His character is used to show us the contrast between God’s character and the unjust judge.   God is a just and righteous judge.  God has compassion for us because of his love for us.  The character of God is our motivation not to lose heart and to press on in prayer for Jesus’s coming and the establishment of justice on earth.
§  Persistence or boldness in prayer overcomes our insensitivity, not God’s.   To practice persistence helps to change our hearts and minds and it helps to express our intensity of our need.   Persistence helps us to recognize God’s work.
§  Even though fathers can make mistakes, they treat their children well.   The most important gift God has given us is his Holy Spirit to those who believe in the death, resurrection, and return of Jesus Christ.
§  We are encouraged and commanded to approach God in prayer with confidence in asking, seeking, and knocking.   God desires to hear our prayers and petitions and to open them to him.   God loves us and wants us to share and open our hearts to him.   Continued payer is expected in order to gain results
§  Jesus’s second coming would occur later in times and he wished for his disciples not to lose heart and pray unceasingly.   Jesus was warning that there will be much injustice in this world and we need to continually pray in faith.  Jesus is the righteous judge.
§  We cannot take both readings out of context and believe we will receive everything we pray for.  The Lord’s Prayer is an example of how we can pray to God and Jesus gave this example to his apostles as well.   It is important that we pray in the will of God (John 6:40, Romans 12:12, James 1:5, Philippians 4:6-8, Peter 3:9).   If our confidence is in God’s desire to answer our prayer, then we should continue this prayer.  If our prayer weakens, then we should drop that prayer (James 5:16).
§  Related Readings
·         Matthew 7:7-8, Hebrews 4:16, Romans 12:12, Ephesians 6:18, Colossians 4:2, I Thessalonians 5:17
·         Questions to Ponder/Life Lessons.
o   The Good Samaritan teaches us 3 principles.
§  Lack of love is often easy to justify even though it is never right.
§  Our neighbor is anyone of any race, creed, or social background that is in need.
§  Love means acting to meet the people’s needs.
o   What natural inclinations make it easier for us to act like the Priest of Levite rather than the Good Samaritan?
o   How does it feel when someone has mercy upon you?   How do you feel when you face trouble because of your actions and how does mercy feel then?
o   In what ways of our life can we be like the Good Samaritan?   Is this something that God expects from us?
o   The movie – ‘Bucket List’
§  Have you seen joy in your life?
§  Have you given others joy in their life?
o   How we love people shows our relationship with God.  “Fruits” is a result of our actions because of our love for God.  “Works” is what we think we must do to get into heaven.
o   Love means moving towards others, it is not convenience.
o   Asking for things we need is not unreasonable.  Asking for a better life is not unreasonable.  Remember to combine your prayer activities with your spiritual growth.  Through spiritual growth we are able to know what things we should pray for.
o   How do we respond when we do not see our prayers getting answered?
o   How can we be assured that what we are praying for is within the will of God?

Friday, September 13, 2013

Parables of Jesus - Lesson 7

The Parables of Jesus
Lesson 7 

·         Background
o   Today’s Parables come from the Gospels of Luke and Matthew.  
o   In the first parable, Jesus was making his journey to Jerusalem to be crucified and he was teaching in parables along the way.   This parable will conclude our parables about salvation.   This parable is the most puzzling when you first hear it as one would first think that Jesus is commending dishonesty and wickedness.
o   The second parable begins our parables about the Christian life.   This parable was spoken after Jesus had arrived in Jerusalem, which is typically called Palm Sunday.  
·         Parables of Wisdom and Folly.
o   A Shrewd Man of the World. (Luke 16: 1 – 18)
§  Definition of Shrewd:   Keen witted, clever, or discerning in practical affairs.  Having or showing clever awareness and resourcefulness.
§  Jesus’s audience was tax collectors, sinners, Pharisees, teachers of the Jewish people, and the disciples of Jesus.   (Luke 15: 1 – 2)
§  The word ‘Steward’ is used in other Bible versions and can be used instead of ‘Manager’ to help convey the meaning of the parable better.
§  The Manager was not a man of integrity and he was dishonest as the Master learned.   The Master demanded the Manager’s records immediately.   The Master later commended or praised the Manager after he lessened the debt of others.
§  A streetwise people are smarter than law abiding citizens because they learn how to take care of themselves.  They are on constant alerts and learn to survive by their wits.   Jesus wants us to be smart in the same respect for what is right.  We should use adversity to stimulate ourselves to survive and concentrate our attention on the bare essentials.
§  Some believe the debtors were being improperly charged by the Manager.   In those days loans were inflated to get around the Judaic prohibition against usery (Deuteronomy 23:19) so the loan appeared to not contain interest.   Others believe the manager eliminated his own commission which was also a custom at that time.   Others believe it could also be a combination of both.  In either case, the Manager was not being cheated but gaining the good grace of the debtors by lessening their debts.   The Master’s image was being impaired because of the loan amount.
§  Jesus is commending the Manager’s motives not his methods.   We see the Manager was planning ahead and preparing for the loss of his job.   By lessening the debt he was hoping others would provide and look after him.   If the wicked can plan ahead for the future, shouldn’t we as Christians do likewise?   The Manager saw what was coming ahead and planned ahead accordingly.
§  Jesus was commending the Manger for shrewdness, as the Manager’s principle was correct (Matthew 10: 16).   Use whatever resources God has blessed us with to benefit others in need, which will lead to rewards in heaven.
§  The Pharisees acted piously to get the praise from others, but God knew and could see what was in their hearts.   The Pharisees considered wealth to be a sign of God’s approval.  We live in an age that measures a person’s worth by their money.  
§  We are being asked to give what belongs to God to others.   We are to use our worldly wealth to gain friends for ourselves and to use our advantages in this world to gain favor for ourselves in heaven. 
§  Related Readings
·         Matthew 19:21, Luke 12:33, Matthew 25:21–23, Luke 19:17, Matthew 6:24, I Samuel 16:7, Revelation 2:23 Proverbs 3:9-10, Matthew 6:19-20.
o   A Tale of Two Sons. (Matthew 21: 28 -32)
§  Jesus had just thrown the money changers out of the Temple.   The religious leaders than began to question Jesus’s authority and asking about the authority of John the Baptist.
§  The Father refers to God where the vineyard is the Church.
§  The tax collectors and harlots are represented by the first son.  They were sinners living in rejection of God’s commands.  
·         Arrogantly defied his Father but later repented.   (Attitude of having fun now and repent later)
·         Sinners who are made righteous through the cleansing of Jesus’s blood through his death and resurrection will enter heaven.   Repentance of the heart is required by the confession of our sins and asking for forgiveness (Matthew 7: 21).   We know we need forgiveness for our sins.
·         Jesus changes us from the inside out.
§  The religious leaders are represented by the second son.   They had a reputation for being God’s servants but at the same time rejected what the prophets foretold about Jesus’s coming.  They were working in ‘their own yard’ and not God’s.   They did not accept what John the Baptist taught or what Jesus was teaching.   They were not willing to repent and they were not willing to do the will of the Father.
§  ‘Son, go and work in the vineyard today’
·         There is work to be done
·         The work to be done is God’s work.
·         The need for the work to be done is now.
·         There is a duty to do the Father’s bidding (Ephesians 2:19, Luke 2:49)
§  The ending of the parable offers encouragement to sinners.   Satan will try to deceive us and tell us that we have sinned so deeply to be received by God.  
§  The question asked ‘Which of the two sons did the will of the father?’ refers to believing in Jesus Christ and then living a Christian life.
§  Romans 10:9-10.   This parable addresses a sincere and insincere profession of faith.   Jesus is not against a profession of faith (Some may think - I will not make a profession, I will not make a promise to God).   Confession is linked to an active profession of faith.  We can do everything right, join a church, being active in our church, but yet we can be disobedient to GOD.
§  Related Readings
·         Luke 7:29-30, Luke 7:50, Matthew 3:1-12, Luke 3:12-13, Luke 7:30.
·         Questions to Ponder/Life Lessons.
o   Look and see the issues clearly.  We cannot wish away our problems, instead we must face and confront them.
o   We are all stewards of what God has entrusted us with.   We must not waste those possessions as one day we will be held accountable for them.  A day will come when we will no longer live here on this earth, our possessions will not go with us but remain here, and our living friends will still be here.
o   Do we waver between two opinions?
o   How is our relationship with God?  If it is strained we should move quickly and make provisions for those short comings.
o   Use our resources wisely as they belong to God and not us.   Money and possessions can be used for both good and evil.  Money can have a lot of power so use it carefully and thoughtfully.  Foster faith and obedience with all of our possessions.

o   Is it ever too late to do the right thing?  What does it mean to repent?  Is it ever too late to repent?   By delaying our decision to come to Jesus now does not guarantee that we will be able to come to Jesus later.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Parables of Jesus - Lesson 6

The Parables of Jesus
Lesson 6 

·         Background
o   Today’s Parables come from the Gospel of Matthew and Luke.   Jesus was making his journey to Jerusalem to be crucified and he was teaching in parables along the way.    
·         Parables of Wisdom and Folly.
o   Five Foolish Women and their Friends. (Matthew 25: 1 – 13)
§  Wisdom – the ability to discern inner qualities and relationships, insight, good sense.
§  Fool – a person lacking in judgment  or prudence, one lacking in common powers of understanding
§  Ten was an important number in Judaism.  You needed 10 people to start a synagogue, to have a Passover meal, and a wedding.
§  A Jewish wedding involved 3 parts:    a) the Engagement: the fathers made an agreement between the children to be married and the children were to have no contact.   b) Betrothal: 1 year before the marriage, the vows were spoken and there was no physical contact between the children.    c) Wedding Feast –involved the whole community and lasted 7 days.  The groom and his party went to the bride’s home and she was expected to be ready.  A parade route was made to the groom’s house which hosted the wedding feast.   At the end of the week the groomsman took the brides and grooms hands and bought them together which signaled the wedding could now be consummated.
§  Torch – A long stick with wire mesh and a cloth.  The cloth was soaked in olive oil and then lit.
§  Midnight – Most people would be sleeping.   Jesus will be coming at an unlikely hour.   The disciples expected Jesus’s return shortly after his resurrection or during their lifetime.
§  The Foolish Women– They knew the bridegroom was returning, but they were unprepared.  They looked ready, as they were dressed properly but they did not bring any fuel for their torches.   Just because we go to church does not mean that we are saved.   There are also those who profess to know Jesus but do not live it.  It takes a faith relationship with God.
§  The Wise woman – They took oil for their lamps in case the bridegroom was delayed.
§  Both groups of women fell asleep while waiting for the bridegroom.  Both groups were invited to the banquet and both groups accepted the invitation by waiting for the bridegrooms return.  They both were waiting to participate in the Wedding procession.
§  Jesus is the bridegroom.  The banquet is the Marriage Supper that we will share in heaven with Jesus.    There will be people who have heard the invitation to Jesus, they say they believe in Jesus, but they do not have a relationship with him and are not ready for Jesus in their lives.  Be renewed in your nature and be washed from your sins through God’s gift of grace.   Be reconciled to God and to live your life for God, by moving from darkness to the light.
§  Related Readings
·         Luke 12: 35 – 40, I Thessalonians 5:6, Revelations 19:9, Matthew 24: 42 – 44, Mark 13:35
o   The Rich Fool. (Luke 12: 13 - 21)
§  Folly – lack of good sense or normal providence or foresight.   This parable talks about the folly of being pre-occupied with riches.
§  During Jewish times, it was typical to bring such problems to a judge or rabbi.
§  Jesus was rudely interrupted while teaching.   Jesus was not a judge in Israel and Jesus pointed out that the man’s demand was out of line, that the courts would settle such matters.  Jesus used this opportunity to warn against an attitude about being pre-occupied about material possessions.  Society currently wishes us to measure a person by his worth and possessions.
§  The rich man could have distributed his abundance to the poor and needy.
§  Jesus put his finger on the questioner’s heart.  When we bring things to God in prayer, he often does the same by showing us how we need to change and grow in our attitude to the problem.
§  Jesus challenges us to think beyond earth bound goals and to use what we have been given for God’s kingdom.   Faith, service, and obedience are the way to become rich toward God.
§  The rich man in the story died before he could begin to use what was stored in his big barns.   Planning for retirement, preparing for life before death is wise, but neglecting life after death is disastrous.
§  Possessions are perishable goods while the soul is intended to dwell with God forever.  Serving God first should be first and foremost in our lives.  God blesses us with the possessions we do have and receive.  We should thank God for his blessings and not be absorbed by materialism.  Materialism can make us insensitive to others, just as sin can make us insensitive to the Holy Sprits work within us.
§  Related Readings
·         Ecclesiastes 8: 15, Job 31: 24 – 28, Psalm 62:10 Jeremiah 17:11, Luke 11: 39 – 40, Luke 12: 32 – 34, Psalm 14: 1, Psalm 53: 1
·         Questions to Ponder/Life Lessons.
o   Be righteous, be ready, and be responsible.
o   Some things cannot wait for the last minute.  Are we ready for Christ’s return?   We cannot get by on another’s faith (My mother was Godly and I learned a lot from her.
o   Lost opportunities cannot be regained.   The time to buy oil was passed in the parable.  Are we saved or unsaved?  Do we think that we will have another day to turn towards Jesus Christ?  The LORD will return without warning.  Each person is responsible for his own salvation.
o   Do we possess any signs of greed in our lives?
o   Why is it difficult for us to accept the fact that our life and things are only temporary?
o   Do we seek worldly wisdom from God instead of the kind of wisdom many people may practice today that is not Godly?

o   When we are blessed with things, do we see them as a gift from God?  The Rich Fool in the parable could have suffered a blight or drought instead of a rich harvest.

Parables of Jesus - Lesson 5

The Parables of Jesus
Lesson 5 

·         Background
o   Today’s Parables come from the Gospel of Matthew, who was a Jewish Tax Collector and a disciple of Jesus.  Jesus was making his journey to Jerusalem to be crucified and he was teaching in parables along the way.
o   Today’s Parables are similar in the message being taught.   We will be looking at our entrance into heaven, the kingdom of God, which is through God’s grace, which is a free gift.  We are saved by grace through faith.    
·         Parables of Salvation.
o   Workers in the Vineyard. (Matthew 20: 1 – 16)
§  Harvest time would typically take place from 6:00am until 6:00pm during biblical times.   Laborers would typically mull around the market place or work place looking for work.
§  God is the landowner and the workers are believers.
§  Observe that no one was cheated in the wages paid.  They were not over paid or underpaid.  Each worker agreed upon the wage he was to be paid.
·         The land owner determined what the wage would be and he paid the wages based upon grace not human accounting practices.  His over payment of the later workers was his choice.  This story makes no economic sense, but displays grace upon the land owner’s part.  God dispenses grace and not gifts.
·         We should be thankful for what we receive and rejoice in the good that others receive.
·         We can never place God under obligation to do something for us.  God cares for his people more than things.  The land owner hired workers because they needed work.  The land owner was not thinking of profit but people instead.
§  No one person should feel favored because they have spent more time walking with Jesus compared to a new believer.
§  God’s love for us is equal, which we learned in last week’s lesson.   God’s grace is also equal for all who accept Jesus.
§  The parable is about salvation not the rewards that we will receive in heaven.
§  Related Bible Verses to read.
·         Matthew 13:24, Matthew 21:28,33, Deuteronomy 24:14-15, Matthew 19:30
o   Come to the Banquet. (Matthew 22: 1 – 14)
§  In Jewish times, 2 invitations were given when a banquet was held.   The first invitation asked the guests to attend and the second invitation announced that all was ready to celebrate.  In Jewish times a wedding feast would last 7 days.   Notice how the king in the parable sent out 3 invitations showing God does want us to join him in heaven.
§  It was also Jewish custom that guests would be given a garment to wear to the wedding banquet.  It would be considered an insult to the host if you refused to wear the garment.   The wedding clothes picture the righteousness needed to enter God’s kingdom.   Jesus Christ provides that righteousness to everyone through his death and resurrection.  Each person must choose to accept Jesus 
(Isaiah 61:10, Zechariah 3:3-5, Revelation 3:4-5, Revelation 19:7-8, Isaiah 64:5-6)
§  God is represented by the king, Jesus is the son who the banquet was to be held for, the messengers are represented by prophets and preachers, and we are the guests who are invited to the banquet.
§  We can compare the first invitations to the Jewish people who were first chosen by God to be his people.  With Jesus, the invitation has now been extended to the non-Jewish people (known as Gentiles)  (Romans 1:16)
§  Many will be called by God and not all will accept his invitation of Grace (John 15:10)
§  Note how the people would not come instead of they could not come as the people made excuses on why they could not attend the wedding banquet.   The servants were more than likely mistreated because the people hated the king.  (Acts 7:52-53). 
§  There are three types of people who will receive the invitation.    Those who believe good works will earn their salvation for them, those who will be speechless and they will not know what to say, and those who will be covered by the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
§  Notice the word many in the last verse, ‘For many are invited, but few are chosen.  It does not say all will be invited.
§  Related Bible Verses
·         (None).
·         Questions to ponder/Life Lessons.
o   What would happen if God gave us what we deserved?
o   How does it make you feel to know that heaven will include murderers, child molesters, swindlers, and crooked politicians that put their trust in Christ only minutes before there death?
o   How can focusing on God’s grace in our lives keep us from becoming jealous of others?  In what way can we thank God every day for his grace in our life?
o   Who do you think the person was that the King noticed not wearing the wedding clothes?   An imposter?  A non-Chrisitan? Someone trying to enter the Kingdom of God on his own terms??  An unrighteous person?

o   What do you take away from today’s parables?