Thursday, September 12, 2013

Parables of Jesus - Lesson 5

The Parables of Jesus
Lesson 5 

·         Background
o   Today’s Parables come from the Gospel of Matthew, who was a Jewish Tax Collector and a disciple of Jesus.  Jesus was making his journey to Jerusalem to be crucified and he was teaching in parables along the way.
o   Today’s Parables are similar in the message being taught.   We will be looking at our entrance into heaven, the kingdom of God, which is through God’s grace, which is a free gift.  We are saved by grace through faith.    
·         Parables of Salvation.
o   Workers in the Vineyard. (Matthew 20: 1 – 16)
§  Harvest time would typically take place from 6:00am until 6:00pm during biblical times.   Laborers would typically mull around the market place or work place looking for work.
§  God is the landowner and the workers are believers.
§  Observe that no one was cheated in the wages paid.  They were not over paid or underpaid.  Each worker agreed upon the wage he was to be paid.
·         The land owner determined what the wage would be and he paid the wages based upon grace not human accounting practices.  His over payment of the later workers was his choice.  This story makes no economic sense, but displays grace upon the land owner’s part.  God dispenses grace and not gifts.
·         We should be thankful for what we receive and rejoice in the good that others receive.
·         We can never place God under obligation to do something for us.  God cares for his people more than things.  The land owner hired workers because they needed work.  The land owner was not thinking of profit but people instead.
§  No one person should feel favored because they have spent more time walking with Jesus compared to a new believer.
§  God’s love for us is equal, which we learned in last week’s lesson.   God’s grace is also equal for all who accept Jesus.
§  The parable is about salvation not the rewards that we will receive in heaven.
§  Related Bible Verses to read.
·         Matthew 13:24, Matthew 21:28,33, Deuteronomy 24:14-15, Matthew 19:30
o   Come to the Banquet. (Matthew 22: 1 – 14)
§  In Jewish times, 2 invitations were given when a banquet was held.   The first invitation asked the guests to attend and the second invitation announced that all was ready to celebrate.  In Jewish times a wedding feast would last 7 days.   Notice how the king in the parable sent out 3 invitations showing God does want us to join him in heaven.
§  It was also Jewish custom that guests would be given a garment to wear to the wedding banquet.  It would be considered an insult to the host if you refused to wear the garment.   The wedding clothes picture the righteousness needed to enter God’s kingdom.   Jesus Christ provides that righteousness to everyone through his death and resurrection.  Each person must choose to accept Jesus 
(Isaiah 61:10, Zechariah 3:3-5, Revelation 3:4-5, Revelation 19:7-8, Isaiah 64:5-6)
§  God is represented by the king, Jesus is the son who the banquet was to be held for, the messengers are represented by prophets and preachers, and we are the guests who are invited to the banquet.
§  We can compare the first invitations to the Jewish people who were first chosen by God to be his people.  With Jesus, the invitation has now been extended to the non-Jewish people (known as Gentiles)  (Romans 1:16)
§  Many will be called by God and not all will accept his invitation of Grace (John 15:10)
§  Note how the people would not come instead of they could not come as the people made excuses on why they could not attend the wedding banquet.   The servants were more than likely mistreated because the people hated the king.  (Acts 7:52-53). 
§  There are three types of people who will receive the invitation.    Those who believe good works will earn their salvation for them, those who will be speechless and they will not know what to say, and those who will be covered by the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
§  Notice the word many in the last verse, ‘For many are invited, but few are chosen.  It does not say all will be invited.
§  Related Bible Verses
·         (None).
·         Questions to ponder/Life Lessons.
o   What would happen if God gave us what we deserved?
o   How does it make you feel to know that heaven will include murderers, child molesters, swindlers, and crooked politicians that put their trust in Christ only minutes before there death?
o   How can focusing on God’s grace in our lives keep us from becoming jealous of others?  In what way can we thank God every day for his grace in our life?
o   Who do you think the person was that the King noticed not wearing the wedding clothes?   An imposter?  A non-Chrisitan? Someone trying to enter the Kingdom of God on his own terms??  An unrighteous person?

o   What do you take away from today’s parables?

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