Thursday, September 12, 2013

Parables of Jesus - Lesson 3

The Parables of Jesus
Lesson 3 

·         Background
o   Jesus had traveled to the town of Galilee and he was being followed by a large crowd of people.   The Pharisees had also been following Jesus and they had questioned   Jesus on why he and his disciples had picked wheat on the Sabbath, why he healed a man’s hand on the Sabbath and why he removed a demon from a blind and mute man.  The religious leaders of Galilee requested Jesus to perform a miracle for them.   Jesus had also just explained to the people who his true family was while his mother and brothers were outside of the home he was in while his family was asking for Jesus.
·         Continuation of Last week’s Parables of the Kingdom
o   The Hidden Treasure (Matthew 13: 44 - 46)
§  Burying of one’s treasure was very common during biblical times.   It would be possible for the owner to die and the treasure would remain hidden on his property. 
§  This person was not actively seeking God and is confronted unexpectedly by the Gospel message.   God’s Holy Spirit begins to work in this person and they begin to see a greater value in their lives. They realize that they are a sinner and they see Jesus (our Treasure) as their Savior from their sin and this world.  They then depart from there sinful ways (selling all that they have).    Isaiah 65: 1
o   The Pearl Merchant (Matthew 13: 47 – 52)
§  Pearls were very valuable during biblical times.  It was considered to be as valuable as or more valuable than gold.
§  This person has been actively seeking after God.  They have found the way long and difficult.  They may have been despaired during their search, but there search has been rewarded.     Matthew 7: 7    
o   Both persons have been chosen by God but receive him in a different way.
o   Both people had the same reaction when they found the treasure.
§  Both recognized the value of what they found.   (Eternal  life through God’s grace, the gift of salvation).
§  Both were determined to have the treasure.   (A heart desiring God)..
§  Both sold everything in order to make the purchase.   (Getting rid of anything worldly that hinders our fellowship with God and by accepting Jesus as our Savior).
§  God is willing to let you have that treasure through his grace.   Salvation is through grace.
·         Mercy - forgiving and compassionate
·         Grace – getting something you do not deserve.
·         The story of a judge.
§  Psalm 19: 9 - 10, Psalm 119: 127 – 128, Philippines 3: 13 - 14.
§  Lessons for Life.
·         Jesus is not hidden.  He was perhaps one of the most famous men of history.
·         Sinners do not seek God.   God seeks and chooses the sinner instead.
·         Salvation cannot be purchased; it is a free gift through the grace of God.  It cannot be earned by good works.
·         If you could purchase salvation, what would you be able to sell?
o   The Fishing Net   (Matthew 13: 47 – 52).
§  Similar to the Parable of the Wheat and Tares.
§  The spiritual leaders during Jesus’s times were looking for a physical kingdom and they were blind to the significance of the spiritual kingdom which Jesus was teaching about.
§  The fishing nets during biblical times would have weights on the bottom and floats on the top and were referred to as drag nets.   The boat(s) would drop the nets into the water.  Ropes were tied to the ends of the net and the ropes would then be bought into shore.  Then the fisherman would pull on the ends of the rope and drag them unto shore.
·         Both good fish (edible) and bad fish (non-edible) would be trapped in the net.
§  Sorting of the fish was required to find the good fish, which were stored for keeping.  The bad fish were thrown in a container and disposed of as if it were garbage.   Just as in the Parable of the Wheat and Tares, judgment will be made at the end times, with God’s angels separating believers and non-believers.
§  Jesus compares the fisherman to Angels.
·         Note: Jesus called fisherman to be his disciples (Matthew 4: 18 - 20).
§  The main difference between this and the Wheat and Tares parable is that the judgment of the bad is taught and emphasized in this parable, the final judgment. 
·          Hell does exist and is a real place.
·         59% of Americans do not believe in a hell.
·         Judgment in Hebrew means ‘To Discriminate’ and in Greek means ‘To Divide’.
·         The wicked shall be thrown into the fiery furnace and there shall be gnashing of teeth.
·         Satan’s fate has been already been determined and he will receive condemnation to hell for eternal life.  Satan’s followers and non-believers will also be placed there as well.
§  Separation from God is for the non-believers and Eternal life with God for those who do believe.
·         Separation from God is absolute, as a time has been chosen by God, the end times.  (Daniel, Ezekiel, Revelation).
·         Separation from God has been predetermined by God, the names found in the Book of Life will have eternal life in heaven.
·         Separation from God will be permanent
§  Further related readings.
·         2 Peter 3: 9, 2 Thessalonians 1: 8 - 9
·         Questions to ponder.
o   Do we understand these things, just as Jesus asked his apostles?
§  Even if we do not understand, do we still believe the message from today?
§  Are you willing to act upon your understandings?

o   Do you believe God sent his son Jesus Christ to be your savior?   (John 13: 17)

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