Thursday, September 12, 2013

Parables of Jesus - Lesson 1

The Parables of Jesus
Lesson 1

·         Introduction
o   What is a Parable?
§  Greek Word is – Parabole’ – which means “Comparison”
§  A parable is a comparison of two things often done through a story that has two meanings.  It is an illustrative story that uses common events and culture to convey a meaning or a lesson.
o   Jesus used 46 parables in the New Testament.
o   Parables were also used in the Old Testament. 
§  Numbers 23: 24, Judges 9: 7 – 15, Judges 14: 14, 18, 2 Samuel 12: 1 – 4, 2 Samuel 14: 5 - 20, 1 Kings 20:35 – 43, 2 Kings 14: 9, 2 Chronicles 25: 18,
Isaiah 5: 1 – 6,  Isaiah 28: 24 – 28, Ezekiel 14: 2 – 9, Ezekiel 24: 3 –  5,
Ezekiel 17; 3 – 10
·         Why would Jesus teach in Parables and let people ponder upon its meaning.
o   Read Matthew 13: 10 – 17
o   Jesus would pull his disciples aside and explain their meaning to them.
o   It is possible that he also wanted to provoke thought in the people and coax them to participate.
·         Important parts of a Bible study.
o   Ask and answer: Who, What, Where, When, and Why.
·         The first 2 Parables are similar in their message.
o   New cloth patch on an old coat (Matthew 9: 16)
§  A new patch would shrink different during washing compared to the old fabric.
o   New wine in an old wineskin (Matthew 9: 17)
§  When wine ferments it expands by creating gases (carbon dioxide) which  would stretch the skin and harden it.
o   Who – Jesus, Apostles/Disciples, followers/disciples of John the Baptist, and other religious leaders such as the Pharisees
o   What – Jesus and his disciples (apostles and followers) did not fast like the other Jews.
o   Where and When – Shortly after the Sermon on the Mount and after Jesus was invited to eat with sinners at Matthew’s house.
o   Why – The Mosiac law (from the Old testament handed down to Moses)required Jews to fast once a year, the Pharisees and scribes fasted every Monday and Thursday (the busiest days in the market), and the followers of John the Baptist fasted a lot.
§  Jesus and his disciples would fast, but not according to the Jewish traditions.
o   Jesus’s message.
§  You cannot mix the Old Testament rituals with the new teachings and new faith being taught by Jesus.  The basis of the Old Testament was based upon works and sacrifices to atone for sin.  The New Testament would be based upon grace through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Jesus ushered in the New Covenant to replace the Old Covenant.
§  Jesus fulfilled all the Old Testament prophecies.
§  Jesus established a new promise between men and God.  This new promise was not a patch to the Mosiac laws, instead it took a new form.
·         Third Parable.
o   Lamp on a stand.  (Matthew 5: 13, 14 – 15)
o   Who – Jesus, Apostles/Disciples, and a crowd of people.
o   What – Teaching of the Beatitudes
§  Code of ethics for his followers
§  Contrast the kingdom values to worldly values
§  Contrast the Pharisees “Superficial Faith” to Christ’s real faith.
o   Where and when – Sermon on the Mount
o   Why – Enormous crowds were following Jesus as he was the talk of the town at that time and people wanted to hear him teach.   Jesus’s mission and teachings were just beginning.
o   Jesus’s message.
§  Physics shows us that darkness must give way to light.   Light can be blocked but when it does shine, darkness is overcome.  
§  A city on a hill cannot be hidden just as Christians are visible to the world.
§  We cannot and we should not hide Christ (the Light) in our lives.   We should give light to our family and home, our city, and to all others.
§  We are not to compromise or settle for that which is convenient or comfortable, but to please the LORD.
o   Related readings.
§  Mark 4: 21 – 23, Luke 8: 16 – 17.
·         Reference Books used for this Study.
o   The Parables of Jesus by James Montgomery Boice

o   The Parables of Jesus – A Commentary by Arland J. Hultgren.

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